Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Lets understand a few Isms

Lets understand a few Isms, one point at a time...

1) Socialism is not the policies proposed, legislated and/or executive-ordered by Democrats alone, but proposed, legislated and/or executive-ordered by Republicans as well. Any identifiable differences (if any) are merely in various forms of it.

2) Militarism is not the policies proposed, legislated and/or executive-ordered by Republicans alone, but proposed, legislated and/or executive-ordered by Democrats as well. Any identifiable differences (if any) are merely in various forms of it.

3) Capitalism is not practiced in United States, nor is Crony-Capitalism related or similar to it. Rather, Crony-Capitalism, more appropriately called Cronyism or Corporatism, have been the "bipartisan law of the land" since 1913, arguably since 1787.

4) Cronyism and its big brother Fascism, as well Communism, are economic systems first and foremost, whose shared objective is to mostly or totally control the economy. Any other associations to the three are mere symptoms or manifestations of economic control; as in the disregard for habeas corpus, jury nullification or general due process, the rise of police brutality or excess, surveillance or secret policing, detention camps, torture, genocide, racism as well social polarization, foreign interventions or wars, rule of the majority (unrestrained democracy), minority or the few else any other form of kratocracy (might makes right), and much more.

5) Socialism and Militarism can only be underwritten by Cronyism, Fascism or Communism. There is no other way.

6) Socialism, as popularly, ideologically held, are social ends, when in practice are necessary means for bartered political power between polity and people, towards government's end to control the entire economy, thus utilized by Cronyism, Fascism and Communism.

7) Cronyism seeks to control by force from some to much to all of the economy from the "top down" via partial or total regulation and taxation, leaving property and production as privately owned though on paper alone. Once all of the economy is controlled, it is Fascism.

8) Fascism seeks to control by force the entire economy from the "top down" via total regulation and taxation, leaving property and production as privately owned though on paper alone, for in practice, government owned.

9) Communism seeks to control by force the entire economy from the "bottom up" via complete nationalization or total public ownership, resulting to all property and production as people-owned though on paper alone, for in practice, government owned.

10) Militarism seeks to control by force from some to much to all of foreign economies, upon recognizing the exhaustion of domestic economy due to unavoidable cost thus decline by Cronyism, Fascism and Communism.

11) Monetarism seeks to control by force the currency for the sole purpose to expand quantity beyond commodity-backing (ie. gold, silver, etc), necessary for Cronyism, Fascism and Communism's inherently increasing expenditures, exponentially so when underwriting Socialism and/or Militarism, hence the steadily increasing supply to temporarily counter downward economic trends (bubbles/busts) till monetary exhaustion (collapse).

12) Centralism, in forms of Cronyism, Fascism or Communism, seeks to control by force the entire economy by pulling to itself sovereign power from localities (cities, counties) and regions (states, provinces), sovereignty that logically originates in each person thus any forgoing of power justifiable not by elite, minority even majority consent but by individual consent alone.

13) Collectivism seeks to universally apply by force above Isms upon society thus upon each and every person, prioritizing communal objectives over individual objectives, by pulling to itself sovereign power from localities (cities, counties) and regions (states, provinces), sovereignty that logically originates in each person thus any forgoing of power justifiable not by elite, minority even majority consent but by individual consent alone.

14) Individualism seeks NOT to control by force the economy or activities of nations, strangers even neighbors, rather seeks consensual arrangements per individual preferences, always regarding each person's Singular Human Right to Consent or Not Consent on all matters private or public. Individualism is in stark contrast to all the above Isms. Conversely, all other Isms disregards individual consent thereby endangers, eventually negating Individualism.

Therefore (and contrary to popular, misguided belief)...

15) Capitalism, a mere expression of Individualism, seeks NOT to control the economy or activities of nations, strangers even neighbors, rather seeks consensual arrangements per individual preferences, always regarding each person's Singular Human Right to Consent or Not Consent on all matters private or public.

Come let us Reason (Is. 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).


Monday, June 25, 2018

Proof of an oversize, excessive, intrusive thus oppressive government

Proof of an oversize, excessive, intrusive thus oppressive government; when people depart from civil discourse and nonviolence, to embrace slander and violence as means to control political offices. Political, electoral processes digress to rhetorical, physical strong-arming when government wantonly terminates life here and abroad, presumptuously restrict liberty and invade privacy, as well covetously confiscates properties, possessions and assets without restraint, so to bestow itself, cronies and supporters.

To blame one party is to gravely miss the point. There is sufficient responsibility to be shared among the two major parties, however more so the people as a whole. Consequently, government's state of affairs is a reflection of society's sense of ethics.

Come let us Reason (Is. 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Just some thoughts on diversity

Just some thoughts on diversity I jotted down last night while thinking of currently inflamed divisions in this country....

We often think of diversity in terms of "groups" interacting instead of "individuals" interacting, that is to say, groups defined culturally, ethnically, religiously, sexually, etc. Yet groups cannot be so without individuals choosing to be grouped as so.

Regardless of definitions, groups are social, for groups are and remain as long individuals interact. Therefore groups social are groups purposeful or preferential thus consensual, if not at formation then assuredly at continuation. Groups' purposefulness arises simultaneous to the first interaction among two or more. It arises per each individual reasoning then consenting, manifesting by words or deeds in favor to interact with others. Interaction is obviously and constantly indicative of individual reason towards individual purpose or individual preference thus individual consent, the obvious and constant precedence for groups' purposefulness.

One may be of a particular racial, cultural or ancestral group as seen by others and/or even oneself, yet such observations, categorizations or associations say little to nothing of personal ideas and preferences even prevailing emotions and instincts. One may be observed, categorized perhaps expected to be of a certain group, yet that same person may or may not choose to interact within that context. If there is interaction, there preceded individual reasoning then consenting, manifesting to words or deeds in favor to interact within that group. It is the same process for each and every individual in each and every group, prerequisite to the identification of groups' purposefulness. Consequently it is empirical and logical to respect and regard as Individual the reasoning then consenting towards purpose and preference, a necessary precondition to collective or group purpose and preference.

Diversity is a consideration of individuals first and foremost, not of groups, else it is a matter of denying individuality in part or whole, in a word; presumption (first cousin to covetousness).

Come let us Reason (Is. 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

I would've hoped after 17 years of American warmongering

I would've hoped after 17 years of American warmongering in several countries (with no end in sight), there would be the same moral outcry as levied against recent practice(s) by Trump administration per U.S. longstanding immigration laws by past administrations.

I would've hoped after 17 years of American military atrocities abroad (largely under-reported), initiated by President Bush, expanded by President Obama, continued (and most likely to be expanded as well) by President Trump, there would be the same compassion for the children as well infants, teenagers, mothers, fathers and elderly killed by U.S. bullets, bombs and drones.

I would've hoped after 17 years of American invasions, occupations, operations (covert and overt) thus mass devastation(s) disguised as War on Terror, combined with 47 years of more operations (covert and overt), poli-economic interventions, manipulations thus mass disruptions masked as War on Drugs, there would be an understanding of causes and effects, therefore the largest displacement of people in human history exacted by the U.S. government as intentionally or apathetically allowed by U.S. citizens.

I would've hoped by now we the American people would be shamed to contrition by the incalculable millions of lives ruined and terminated by our well-bloodied hands. Instead, we disregard the one human right while heralding as moral our misguided principles supported by mere preferences schemed by unabashed covetousness.

Come let us Reason (Is. 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9). 

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

What is ethically worst?

What is ethically worst? US laws or policies that "temporarily" separate children from their parents -or- US bullets, bombs and drones that "permanently" separate children from their parents.

By the way, immigration laws are not the only legalities that forcefully separate children from parents, yet where is the "consistent" moral outcry. Moralities or Ethics demand consistency, for that is the essence and characteristic of Truth, else it is mere preference(s).

What should be obvious are the politics, presumptions, fads and trends, sentiments even raw emotions that separate the heart from mind, empowering instinct over reason, rendering quite inconsistent thus unethical the misguided principles thus conjured morals.

Come let us Reason (Is. 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Look it up for yourself...

"Don't take my word for it, look it up for yourself."

Culver Edward Stone (father/pastor, 1925-1982)

He, as we all, have no idea the rippling effects of our words casual or thoughtful, spoken or written. Several posts ago, I displayed photos of those (among others) whose works I read and pondered, consequently developed the ideology I passionately hold today. That studious journey literally began upon hearing maybe two or three times as a very young teenager, the simple admonition (above) by my father from behind the pulpit. Did he intend my subsequent studies and conclusions over the many years that followed, perhaps or perhaps not, but nonetheless life-changing.

Come let us Reason (Is. 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

Monday, June 11, 2018

We covet others' freedoms and possessions

While consent is expected even demanded in some aspects of life, and rightly so, it is otherwise strangely ignored even appallingly despised. This is true among the most bombastic defenders of freedom or pious upholders of morality. Why? As coined in the 1985 pop song, "everybody wants to rule the world" or at minimum, everybody wants to rule their neighbors as well strangers locally, regionally if not nationally. At the crux, we COVET others' freedoms and possessions, sooner or later manifesting as presumption then violence (any action exacted upon one dissenting), cleverly formed as political policies, programs, laws, taxes, wars, etc.

Plainly, for various perceived benefits we desire to forcefully manipulate others' actions in private and public life, as we seek to confiscate others' income, profit and/or property. Insidiously, we disguise our covetousness as concern and charity while accusing those who dissent as unethical even immoral, selfish even greedy. Our covetousness have conveniently, opportunistically turned on head what is actually good as evil, what is truly evil as good per the prerequisite disregard for the Singular Human Right to Consent or Not Consent on all matters.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20

The "woe" are the inevitable consequences suffered due to the unsustainable as well unethical actions and activities levied against the one and only human right to consent or not consent. Not only a human right but natural law that cannot be circumvented, when transgressed consistently sets in motion a digressive thus destructive series of causes and effects. Digressive and destructive for always necessary is use of force legal (or illegal) whenever imposing and intruding upon dissenting individuals. Therefore immediately injurious to those imposed and intruded, as well the unavoidable and unsustainable overhead of effort and resource per the administration of force, while furthering inherent moral hazards by festering excessive behavior and poor decisions among the recipients of perceived benefits.

Additionally, our covetousness extends internationally in forms of economic polices hence foreign wars. There is no alternative view... If one studies history properly, it becomes self-evident the interesting parallel; whatever is unsustainable, is also unethical. So obviously whatever is unethical, is also unsustainable.


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice. 

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Capitalism often gets inaccurately blamed for various ills...

Capitalism often gets inaccurately blamed for various economic, social even political ills when Cronyism (i.e. Fascism-Lite) has ruled the land at least since 1913 though arguably since the country's founding. What comes next matters not, whether it is Communism's bottom-up style of economic control, or Fascism's top-down style of economic control, both will continue Cronyism's power-exchange using Socialism as tossed bread to the Roman mob. Ultimately, these Isms are forms of Absolutism, of course anti-Individualistic by disregarding the Singular Human Right to Consent or Not Consent on all matters private or public, thereby opportunistically seizing the day (if you will) amid some orchestrated or facilitated crisis.


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Political Libertarian versus Ethical Libertarian

The political Libertarian thus anti-Individualist, like the Democrat and Republican, pursues to rally a consenting majority so to rule over the dissenting minority, thereby inconsistently disregards some or many persons' Singular Human Right to Consent or Not Consent on any matter private or public.

The ethical Libertarian thus Individualist, unlike the Democrat and Republican as well political Libertarian, pursues NOT to rally a consenting majority so to rule over the dissenting minority, instead consistently regards each person's Singular Human Right to Consent or Not Consent on every matter private or public.


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice. 

Monday, June 4, 2018

Government is the great fiction

Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else... For now, as formerly, every one is, more or less, for profiting by the labors of others. No one would dare to profess such a sentiment; he even hides it from himself; and then what is done? A medium is thought of; Government is applied to, and every class in its turn comes to it, and says, "You, who can take justifiably and honestly, take from the public, and we will partake." Alas! Government is only too much disposed to follow this diabolical advice, for it is composed of ministers and officials - of men, in short, who, like all other men, desire in their hearts, and always seize every opportunity with eagerness, to increase their wealth and influence. Government is not slow to perceive the advantages it may derive from the part which is entrusted to it by the public. It is glad to be the judge and the master of the destinies of all; it will take much, for then a large share will remain for itself; it will multiply the number of its agents; it will enlarge the circle of its privileges; it will end by appropriating a ruinous proportion.
Claude-Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)
Click here for his entire essay entitled Government.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

While on my Jack-Kerouac-esque, near-endless road trip...

Photos taken and poetry written while on my Jack-Kerouac-esque, near-endless road trip. The short verses (below) were compiled, among many others, in my 8th book entitled [-brief-] published in May 2015, all with the common reference to wine...thus the photos :-) ....


8 sep 2013
punxsutawney, penn.

friends akin to wine and then
the words that stir, now and again
nostalgia as potion hence redolent
mutuality as medicine unexpected
as well the laughter birthed
with life's mucus, by death's mirth
a curse or worst, our humanity


11 sep 2013
balboa peninsula, calif.

she spoke slow o'er wine's flow
`neath searchlights glowing low
he wrote, later from tomb
how he felt, earlier in womb
thence knelt he to her nous of soul
her shadowy crevices of confession
by lovely alchemical depictions
thus his dark corners of rumination
in oddly perennial versification


14 oct 2013
coeur d'alene, ida.

look to skies past for cumulus stains
breathe deeply beyond current strains
more so, drink the wine until remain
the fain space and inner refrain


23 oct 2013
auburn, wash.

fables of lies most delightfully
tables adorned by scorns bountifully
wine dried on thighs voluptuously
aligned to kind sighs venomously

(as lovers worm, wince and writhe
convinced in their ersatz paradise)

below cumulus mounds so beautifully
`twixt accumulative tombs gracefully
mid social cases of thralls supinely
as well vases of skulls sublimely


1 dec 2013
yuma/casa grande, ariz.

the strings hum while horns slur
until a lone sax purrs then moans
as groans by twilight's ardency
oh the urgency per symphony's lust
mid summer-like musk, and so goes
one rose to floor `low black heels
thus music feels to tarrying ears
akin spilled beer or sloshed wine


25 feb 2014
rocklin, calif.

so whence the sublime
to wine fain
thence dine to gain
from thy lips and breasts

o to rest fitfully now
thou in the unrest beautifully
by love’s subtleties
and passion’s honesties

lo his bleeding since
her seceding thence
his gazing in haze of mist
so her fey phase to desist


26 feb 2014
rocklin, calif.

such are pen, paper and poet
a ménage à trois lucent
hence a triune fusion
(lest confused by wine induced)
by coital moments
fomenting subtle comments
of terse curses and verbose odes


13 apr 2014
st. augustine, fla.

lilted notes of tilted piano keys
or melded hertz flirting to flee
weds to cigar smoke and perfume
equally, as attar-tokens that loom
crowning a hundred heads or more
gowning mannequins as wine pours


9/10 jul 2014
lake bruin, la.

bread toiled, then baptized in oil
as mortals 'shuffle off' their coils
akin coals, o'er heads, the beacons
by wine souls sublime and minds reason
`low golden lamps, beholden to ramp
from self's hell, to logically tramp
and trample propaganda's pell-mell
while feet bleed upon broken shells


19 sep 2014
horn lake, miss.

encantadora gitana adónde vas
akin to passion's wine spilled
into a thousand little rills
from love's shattered vase

across the tiled floor, todo va
contigo, memories go like water
leaching to sand as time saunters
shit! the goddamn hunger gnaws


30 sep 2014
oxford, miss.

zen goddamn this, or zen fuckin' that
vim yellows like piss by callow chats
deep graves fill shallow with films
of drone kills and smoking youth-kilns
voting booths reel with recast levity
soli-verity for truth by poli-brevity
televisions blare the mongers' anthems
holy wars longer, prolonging the shams
yet mass aligned, hemmed till maligned
ah prism-blind, by popular ism's wine


8 mon 2014 (afternoon)
clarksdale, miss.

much caffeine careens
per serenity intense
bourbon-ed that eve
for odd dreams, since
wine lingers the effects
of head-wrecks immense

copyright © 2013-2015 by d.c. quillan stone