Tax Evasions...
Amoral activity arbitrarily legislated as illegal by government, propagandized as immoral per government's promulgation, media's perpetuation and people's propensity towards political benevolence.
Tax Breaks...
Amoral activity arbitrarily legislated as legal by government, propagandized as moral per government's promulgation, media's perpetuation and people's propensity towards political benevolence.
Tax Loopholes...
Amoral activity arbitrarily legislated as legal by government, once propagandized as moral per government's promulgation, media's perpetuation and people's propensity towards political benevolence, later propagandized as immoral per government's promulgation, media's perpetuation and people's propensity towards "more" political benevolence.
Of course, if a tax or law by unanimous consent, there are no ethical dilemmas per the absence of presumption. However, presumption immediately arises upon the dissent of one or more, thus the ethical dilemma that cannot be resolved otherwise.
Upon lack of consent, presumption is as inherent as darkness upon lack of light.
Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
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