Sunday, April 17, 2016

Mr Cruz's statement is also politicized

"Under Obama, the IRS has become so corrupt and so politicized, We need to abolish it."

Ted Cruz (US senator/presidential candidate)

Of course, Mr Cruz's statement is also politicized therefore corrupt in logic, for he conveniently implies none of Mr Obama's predecessors are to blame, particularly (I assume he means) past Republican presidents. Additionally, he subtly contends an organization whose sole mission is confiscation, that is, the forceful taking of private resources without owner's consent, can be run with less or no corruption. Lastly, if one notices, he is not promising to abolish the IRS, for his total sum of policies depend on the continuation of the same confiscation.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

When speaking directly on issues, its better to use more affirming yet palatable thumb-over-fist, oppose to the accusatory thumb-aside-fist. :-)

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