Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Merely woolgathering along and beyond cerebral fences

Merely woolgathering along and beyond cerebral fences, that is, to speak in the vernacular of the peasantry...

The protocol exercised by our noble canine friends for their personal incidentals, proposes benefits unrealized in modern societies, certainly lacking consideration among polities. The absence of anxieties of unmanageable proportions, per the presence of unlimited accommodations, as well the mitigation of "occupied" scenarios, would improve quality of mental health immeasurably. Improved further obviously by community fostered by breaking down traditional barriers and partitions, encouraging many to collogue with others, oppose to solo in mutters.

Thusly and logically, it could be argued, by improving mental health, so follows physical health. Perhaps, a natural right gravely overlooked as well, so far disallowed hence mass detriments untold.

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