Sunday, April 10, 2016

ON UNDERWRITING AN EVIL, by Frank Chodorov (1887-1966)

A good essay on democracy's failures, and the inevitable lost of individual life, liberty, and property, eventually enforcing citizen participation during elections, criminalizing the choice to vote or NOT vote, hence one of numerous warnings of the forthcoming tyranny.

"Even when kings ruled by "divine right", the throne was held in place by the proper juxtaposition of rival and envious nobles. When the ambition of a particular noble got out of hand and an army was needed to make him respect divinity, the money lenders supplied the war funds and received their compensation, usually a grant of land and the privilege of collecting rent from the users. In the 18th century the rising class of manufacturers and merchants came to the support of the king in his quarrels with his nobles, in exchange for tariffs, cartel privileges, and the "rights" to foreign exploitation.

Constitutionalism and the extension of the suffrage did not alter the character of politics. These institutions merely increased the number of claimants for special privileges and complicated the art of balancing interests. In the early years of our country the politician's problem was quite simple: the pressure groups consisted of tariff seekers, land grabbers, money brokers, franchise hunters and a few others, and the balancing of interests was fixed by the size of campaign contributions. In due time, thanks to professional organizers, others got into the act, and the politician now has to consider the privilege claims of vote-laden and skillfully led proletarians, farmers, teachers, veterans — a host of articulate "minority" groups — as well as the traditional claimants. The juggling has become more intricate."

For entire essay...

As part of his collection entitled Out of Step...

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

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