Thursday, April 7, 2016

Regarding my previous post and passage of Mississippi House Bill #1523

Regarding my previous post and passage of Mississippi House Bill #1523 (see link for legal text of bill)...

Is this bill a solution. NO! Is there any possible solution. NO!

For as long there exist seemingly endless list of laws and policies, most of ill logic lacking sound principle, hence plagued of complexity and inconsistency, combined with polarization among polity and citizenry bent on forcefully imposing preferences on each other, within a majority-is-morality-convinced society endowed by unrestrained mob-rule democracy, an ethical as well practical end-all solution is IMPOSSIBLE while all attempts merely festering and exasperating further.

The political pendulum will swing again and again and again, as now and before, worsening the fate of individual life, liberty and property.

Mississippi House Bill #1523

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