Given the relentless growth of centralism thus statism in Washington, manifested by expanding socialism and militarism (both) strategically supported by the two major parties, combined with popular discontent and resulting resignation to "not vote", mandatory electoral participation will come. The mandate will be hailed as patriotically American, else punishable by fines or imprisonment, for denying society and nation of one's duty. A duty so compelling in principle and spirit (I suppose), it will require force to convince, hence prevent each and every person to be otherwise. Once made law, mandatory voting will be followed by unprecedented escalation in government intervention and intrusion in all aspects of life.
It is critical to understand liberty on this issue, that is, the freedom to vote or not vote, for either is a signal to government of equal importance, akin to the fundamental human right to consent or not consent.
Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
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