Monday, April 18, 2016

Mr Sanders plainly does NOT include the largest bank

"It is not acceptable that the 6 largest financial institutions in this country have assets of almost 10 trillion dollars... That is too much wealth and power in the hands of a few... These huge banks must be broken up."

Bernie Sanders (US senator/presidential candidate)

Of course, Mr Sanders plainly does NOT include the largest bank and it's financial monopoly, also run by a few hands; The Federal Reserve. As no one included Pennsylvania, Constitution and First streets in their critique of Wall Street (during Occupy Wall Street movement), so Mr Sanders does not include the far more deserving "huge bank" who holds a total monopoly on currency and related policies. For exponentially more are the actual damages inflicted by The Federal Reserve's unrestrained power to increase the money supply by various schemes, with widespread inflation following thus deflation of money in every wallet, purse, account and portfolio.

It is critical to note, by not understanding what happen in 1913, allows the continuance of the same political abuse by both major parties upon the economy.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

When speaking directly on issues, its better to use more affirming yet palatable thumb-over-fist, oppose to the accusatory thumb-aside-fist. :-)

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