Saturday, March 6, 2021

Racist! Sexist! Nationalist! Extremist! Capitalist! Socialist! Fascist! Communist! Liberal! Conservative!

Such references are commonly, bilaterally utilized with no precise definition, certainly not understood universally. Most among both major parties (for example) will hurl these terms as mere slanders, some words interchangeably, emotionally, irrationally therefore for no other reason than expediency to personally insult, to socially, politically injure even to professionally ruin. 

By the inability to articulate complex words or terms simply, concisely within one, two maybe (questionably) three sentences, requiring further no explanation or definition, there exemplifies inexperience, ignorance, incomprehension hence necessitates study, ponder, labor then more study, ponder, labor till last breath.

So it follows. If Fascism is the "top-down regulatory" methodology towards total control of the economy, and if Communism is the "bottom-up confiscatory" methodology towards total control of the economy, then it is inconsistent thus erroneous to label the same person or group as Fascist in the heat of one moment, then Communist the next. 

The two aforementioned simple, concise as well accurate definitions of course inconveniently categorizes many personally preferred polities. In response, the same many will covetously conjure exceptions, consequently inconsistencies, complexities therefore no longer simple, concise nor accurate.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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