Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Honest observation, therefore true logic, consistency thus ethic...

Honest observation, therefore true logic, consistency thus ethic, consequently actual equality too, do not allow exceptions or favors per one's arrogance versus another's indulgence.

A preference in thought no matter the perverse or noble nature, remains to be merely so until upon dissent made known, oft will be stirred by innate covetousness, heightened by opportunistic presumption then assuredly incited by egocentric arrogance and temporarily satiated by the injurious, violent action. If challenged by logic, consistency thus ethic, the preference will always expect then demand an exception or favor while conjuring some political, social even moral justification.

It is astonishing even appalling to read so many posts oppose to people having "too much" freedom!" "You can't let everyone make their own decisions" regarding this or that issue, and onward their presumption marches, arriving to arrogance, marshalling action against any and all who dissent to their covetousness.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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