Friday, March 12, 2021

Racism, one of numerous prejudices or biases...

 Racism, one of numerous prejudices or biases distinguishing and differing by race or skin color, consistently rooted in covetousness, ruminatively devolving sooner or later to fear, jealousy, envy, snobbery, pretension, dislike, contempt, resentment, hate therefore presumption then arrogance along hypocrisy, so to manipulate others' property, possession, purse, profession, pursuit, preference, prerogative, propensity, presence even person, consequently the violence by definition if manifesting as action against one or more dissenting.

Consider and compare another prejudice or bias?

Opinionism, one of numerous prejudices or biases distinguishing and differing by opinion or thought individual, religious, social, economical, political, etc., consistently rooted in covetousness, ruminatively devolving sooner or later to fear, jealousy, envy, snobbery, pretension, dislike, contempt, resentment, hate therefore presumption then arrogance along hypocrisy, so to manipulate others' property, possession, purse, profession, pursuit, preference, prerogative, propensity, presence even person, consequently the violence by definition if manifesting as action against one or more dissenting.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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