Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Concisely, any politician's posture, any party's platform can be logically, consistently reduced to these summaries and arguments...

Concisely, any politician's posture, any party's platform can be logically, consistently reduced to these summaries and arguments...

Politician/Party 1... "I covet the power to manipulate others' behavior, confiscate others' resources, thus I propose my preferred form and use of force to do so!"

Politician/Party 2... "I covet the power to manipulate others' behavior, confiscate others' resources, thus I propose my preferred form and use of force to do so!"

Politician/Party 3... "I covet the power to manipulate others' behavior, confiscate others' resources, thus I propose my preferred form and use of force to do so!"

... and onward it goes covetously, presumptuously, arrogantly and violently.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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