Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Governor Tate Reeves deserves no praise nor gratitude...

Governor Tate Reeves deserves no praise nor gratitude (see link/video). It has been my concern that the governor would continue the road of "excessive caution" so to hedge his political bets. I see his decision not as noble rather as convenient per growing pressure. He is certainly not a leader, rather a follower, a mere member of the Republican herd. For the party did little to prevent or revert the tyranny of 2020/21 related to Covid-1984. After a year of such despotism, the people are to be thankful? NO!

As I have stated before, all governors and mayors who locked down their economies in part or whole (the degree matters not) should stand trial for crimes against humanity. As harsh that may be, far less harsh than the past year have been for many lives.

For context... Mississippi is my adopted home state for the past 25 years.

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