Friday, March 19, 2021

Far greater threats to Individualism are not Foreign Governments but United States' Federal, State and Local Governments...

INDIVIDUALISM thus Liberty or Freedom; the regard for each and every person's singular human right to consent or dissent on all matters, hence the respect for each and every person's peculiar human ability to reason.

Far greater threats to Individualism are not Foreign Governments but United States' Federal, State and Local Governments. Far greater threats to Individualism are not American Citizens but American Politicians.

Contrary to popular uses and common abuses of words, the first statement and definition is concisely articulated, consistently applied therefore clearly understood regarding the second statement.

If the definition itself is disagreeable, that is another discussion for another time. For the problem with words like Individualism as well Liberty and Freedom, ask 100 persons for a definition, one will receive 100 variations involving arbitrary lists, bills, documents, books, etc. Equally so for words as Racism, Sexism, Phobia, Anti-Science then Socialism, Fascism, Communism and more, thus the problem is compounded and complicated.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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