Sunday, March 7, 2021

As one of numerous tools to combat Cancel Culture's madness, as well the commonly thoughtless dissing by either Left or Right...

As one of numerous tools to combat Cancel Culture's madness, as well the commonly thoughtless dissing by either Left or Right...

Stop debating without words or terms mutually understood. If labeled or slandered as Racist, Nationalist, Fascist, Communist, Socialist, Capitalist, calmly and politely request simple, concise definition(s). If refused, or the definition rants on beyond two sentences requiring further definitions, then without apology respectfully, immediately end the discussion. There is no point in continuing.

A logical discussion and civil discourse demand commonly held set of words, terms and definitions. Even if one or more may not contend the actual definitions, for the sake of the particular conversation, such temporary agreement must be else risk digressing into jejune bickering or adolescent slandering. As much logic and science depends on accepted words and definitions, so do respect and civility.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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