Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Quote by William Stanley Jevons... All knowledge must be ultimately founded upon experience...

"All knowledge, it may be safely said, must be ultimately founded upon experience, which is but a general name for the various feelings impressed upon the mind at any period of its existence. The mind never creates entirely new knowledge independent of experience, and all that the reasoning powers can do is to arrive at the full meaning of the facts which are in our possession... Anything that we can clearly conceive must be conformable to the laws of thought, and its existence is then not impossible, so far as our intellect is concerned; but the forms and sizes and manners in which it has pleased the Creator to make things in this or any other part of the universe, cannot possibly be anticipated by the exceedingly limited wisdom of the human lnind, and can only be learnt by actual examination of existing things."

William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882)

Quoted from Lesson XXVII - Observation and Experiment of his 1870 book Elementary Lessons in Logic Deductive and Inductive.

Quote by Francis Bacon... Man can do and understand as much as he has observed...

"Man, the Servant and Interpreter of Nature, can do and understand as much as he has observed concerning the order of nature in outward things or in the mind; more, he can neither know nor do."

Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

Quoted from his 1620 book Novum Organum, so entitled thus referring to Aristotle's work Organon.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Quote by Virgil... Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas...

"Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas... Blessed is he who has been able to learn the causes of things."

Virgil (70-19 BC)

Verse 490 of Book 2 of the Georgics.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Quote by James Fenimore Cooper

"The tendency of democracies is, in all things, to mediocrity."

James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851)

Democracy is a decision-making method, one among numerous others, no more virtuous than Parliamentary, Oligarchy, Monarchy, Autocracy and more, each without exception forming an unethical Kratocracy (might makes right). As unrestrained Democracy inevitably if not immediately trends toward Mediocrity as James Fenimore Cooper rightly critiqued, it does so in parallel towards Tyranny.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Fascism will eventually knock on the door of each home...

Fascism will eventually knock on the door of each home, to be tolerated or endured by most Americans like most Germans of the 1920s/30s, mistakenly perceiving, fearfully assessing the Ism as some path to normalcy and safety...

"Imagine if the zealous enforcers of mask mandates had the power to deny you access to public places because you have not “gotten your shot.” Even worse, what if a potential employer had to ensure you were “properly” vaccinated before hiring you? This could come to pass if proponents of mandatory E-Verify have their way.

E-Verify requires employers to submit personal identifying information — such as a social security numbers and biometric data — to a government database to ensure job applicants have federal permission to hold jobs.

Currently, E-Verify is only used to assure a job applicant is a citizen or legal resident. However, its use could be expanded to advancing other purposes, such as ensuring a potential new hire has taken all the recommended vaccines."

Dr. Ron Paul

See link for entire article...

Monday, March 22, 2021

Inconvenient truth! Good article by Michael von Liechtenstein...

Inconvenient truth! Good article!

"However, even without the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, simple mathematics shows that financing those systems will eventually become impossible. Even pre-Covid, public debt had already reached unsustainable levels, despite what Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) thinkers believe. MMT promises unlimited funding of public expenses, but money has to be earned, not only printed."

Michael von Liechtenstein

It does not take a math genius to understand the unsustainable dynamic. In United States (my country), it has long been foolishly promulgated that longer lifespans meant longer retirement spans. Again, one less-than-genius know it is untenable to work for 20 to 30 years then retire for 20 to 30 years, yet that the American dream remains as such.

The harsh reality is simply this. If most or many are living until 80 even 90 plus years, then the same will have to somehow work into their 60s and 70s.

There is also the undiscussed side effect of longer retirement years for those of minimum means; depression per daily routines of TV viewing (or staring), home isolation by choice or health problems, and general nonactivity. The overhead to reactivate people is astronomical and frankly impossible to any beneficial degree, when simply working provides the best if not the only medicine psychologically as well economically. 

With all that said, decades of government interventions interfering into these private matters therefore misdirecting private decisions, efforts and resources, have been the source of the very problems outlined in the article.

See link for entire article...

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Quote by William Stanley Jevons

"Truth indeed is sacred; but, as Pilate said, 'What is truth?' Show us the undoubted infallible criterion of absolute truth, and we will hold it as a sacred inviolable thing. But in the absence of that infallible criterion, we have all an equal right to grope about in our search of it, and no body and no school nor clique must be allowed to set up a standard of orthodoxy which shall bar the freedom of scientific inquiry."

William Stanley Jevons (economist/logician, 1835-1882)

Friday, March 19, 2021

Far greater threats to Individualism are not Foreign Governments but United States' Federal, State and Local Governments...

INDIVIDUALISM thus Liberty or Freedom; the regard for each and every person's singular human right to consent or dissent on all matters, hence the respect for each and every person's peculiar human ability to reason.

Far greater threats to Individualism are not Foreign Governments but United States' Federal, State and Local Governments. Far greater threats to Individualism are not American Citizens but American Politicians.

Contrary to popular uses and common abuses of words, the first statement and definition is concisely articulated, consistently applied therefore clearly understood regarding the second statement.

If the definition itself is disagreeable, that is another discussion for another time. For the problem with words like Individualism as well Liberty and Freedom, ask 100 persons for a definition, one will receive 100 variations involving arbitrary lists, bills, documents, books, etc. Equally so for words as Racism, Sexism, Phobia, Anti-Science then Socialism, Fascism, Communism and more, thus the problem is compounded and complicated.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Emancipating the soul, encouraging the heart, equipping the mind...

However, well emancipating the soul, encouraging the heart while equipping the mind to subjugate the common propensities for error and excess therefore covetousness, only sound logic and profound ethic; the fierce regard for the Singular Human Right to Consent or Dissent on all matters thus the fervent respect for the Particular Human Ability to Reason.

Quote taken from my newly published 11th book More Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters... for lack of longer title. :-)

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Power corrupts both the ruler and the ruled...

The duration of the citizenry's tolerance and acceptance of such maniacal pandemic measures are disturbing. I have come to understand Lord Acton's axiom as a double-edged sword, corrupting both the ruler and the ruled. Whether marginally, proportionately, incrementally towards absolutely, government corrupts inevitably most everyone, those who are seductively allured then conditioned by the power thus culled by it, as well those who are perceptively secured then coddled by the power thus lulled by it.

"If there is any presumption it is the other way against holders of power, increasing as the power increases. Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it."

Lord Acton (1834-1902)

Friday, March 12, 2021

Racism, one of numerous prejudices or biases...

 Racism, one of numerous prejudices or biases distinguishing and differing by race or skin color, consistently rooted in covetousness, ruminatively devolving sooner or later to fear, jealousy, envy, snobbery, pretension, dislike, contempt, resentment, hate therefore presumption then arrogance along hypocrisy, so to manipulate others' property, possession, purse, profession, pursuit, preference, prerogative, propensity, presence even person, consequently the violence by definition if manifesting as action against one or more dissenting.

Consider and compare another prejudice or bias?

Opinionism, one of numerous prejudices or biases distinguishing and differing by opinion or thought individual, religious, social, economical, political, etc., consistently rooted in covetousness, ruminatively devolving sooner or later to fear, jealousy, envy, snobbery, pretension, dislike, contempt, resentment, hate therefore presumption then arrogance along hypocrisy, so to manipulate others' property, possession, purse, profession, pursuit, preference, prerogative, propensity, presence even person, consequently the violence by definition if manifesting as action against one or more dissenting.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

American Medical Association and Nuremberg Code

A patient who has decision-making capacity may accept or refuse any recommended medical intervention.

American Medical Association
Code of Medical Ethics Opinion 1.1.3


The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

Nuremberg Code

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

History repeats itself solely due to people repeating themselves...

History repeats itself solely due to people repeating themselves, if you will. That is to say, people unwilling to unlearn government funded education, particularly regarding history even science and economics, so to pursue actual education, actual history, actual science, actual economics, thereby learning from past errors.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Honest observation, therefore true logic, consistency thus ethic...

Honest observation, therefore true logic, consistency thus ethic, consequently actual equality too, do not allow exceptions or favors per one's arrogance versus another's indulgence.

A preference in thought no matter the perverse or noble nature, remains to be merely so until upon dissent made known, oft will be stirred by innate covetousness, heightened by opportunistic presumption then assuredly incited by egocentric arrogance and temporarily satiated by the injurious, violent action. If challenged by logic, consistency thus ethic, the preference will always expect then demand an exception or favor while conjuring some political, social even moral justification.

It is astonishing even appalling to read so many posts oppose to people having "too much" freedom!" "You can't let everyone make their own decisions" regarding this or that issue, and onward their presumption marches, arriving to arrogance, marshalling action against any and all who dissent to their covetousness.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Concisely, any politician's posture, any party's platform can be logically, consistently reduced to these summaries and arguments...

Concisely, any politician's posture, any party's platform can be logically, consistently reduced to these summaries and arguments...

Politician/Party 1... "I covet the power to manipulate others' behavior, confiscate others' resources, thus I propose my preferred form and use of force to do so!"

Politician/Party 2... "I covet the power to manipulate others' behavior, confiscate others' resources, thus I propose my preferred form and use of force to do so!"

Politician/Party 3... "I covet the power to manipulate others' behavior, confiscate others' resources, thus I propose my preferred form and use of force to do so!"

... and onward it goes covetously, presumptuously, arrogantly and violently.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

As one of numerous tools to combat Cancel Culture's madness, as well the commonly thoughtless dissing by either Left or Right...

As one of numerous tools to combat Cancel Culture's madness, as well the commonly thoughtless dissing by either Left or Right...

Stop debating without words or terms mutually understood. If labeled or slandered as Racist, Nationalist, Fascist, Communist, Socialist, Capitalist, calmly and politely request simple, concise definition(s). If refused, or the definition rants on beyond two sentences requiring further definitions, then without apology respectfully, immediately end the discussion. There is no point in continuing.

A logical discussion and civil discourse demand commonly held set of words, terms and definitions. Even if one or more may not contend the actual definitions, for the sake of the particular conversation, such temporary agreement must be else risk digressing into jejune bickering or adolescent slandering. As much logic and science depends on accepted words and definitions, so do respect and civility.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Racist! Sexist! Nationalist! Extremist! Capitalist! Socialist! Fascist! Communist! Liberal! Conservative!

Such references are commonly, bilaterally utilized with no precise definition, certainly not understood universally. Most among both major parties (for example) will hurl these terms as mere slanders, some words interchangeably, emotionally, irrationally therefore for no other reason than expediency to personally insult, to socially, politically injure even to professionally ruin. 

By the inability to articulate complex words or terms simply, concisely within one, two maybe (questionably) three sentences, requiring further no explanation or definition, there exemplifies inexperience, ignorance, incomprehension hence necessitates study, ponder, labor then more study, ponder, labor till last breath.

So it follows. If Fascism is the "top-down regulatory" methodology towards total control of the economy, and if Communism is the "bottom-up confiscatory" methodology towards total control of the economy, then it is inconsistent thus erroneous to label the same person or group as Fascist in the heat of one moment, then Communist the next. 

The two aforementioned simple, concise as well accurate definitions of course inconveniently categorizes many personally preferred polities. In response, the same many will covetously conjure exceptions, consequently inconsistencies, complexities therefore no longer simple, concise nor accurate.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Everything must either be or not be.

As per Lesson XIV in William Stanley Jevons' book Elementary Lessons in Logic Deductive & Inductive (1870)...

"These laws describe the very simplest truths, in which all people must agree, and which at the same time apply to all notions which we can conceive. It is impossible to think correctly and avoid evident self-contradiction unless we observe what are called the Three Primary Laws of Thought, which may be stated as follows:

1. The Law of Identity. Whatever is, is.
2. The Law of Contradiction. Nothing can both be and not be.
3. The Law of Excluded Middle. Everything must either be or not be.

Though these laws when thus stated may seem absurdly obvious...I have found that students are seldom able to see at first their full meaning and importance."

It is interesting to note within 21st century American political, social even religious contexts upon selecting any issue thus impetuous rants posing as commentaries, any topic thus slanderous brawls posing as debates, to find all three laws grossly ignored by the constant contending of two or more disharmonious thoughts as though observably, determinably, logically, ethically harmonious. My fellow countrymen are fools in the making if not well made.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

US government arrogantly expects unquestioned trust along demonstrated allegiance while presumptuously operating in secret...

Since the War on Terror began, there have been numerous "heightened" alerts per newly acquired intelligence, of course now the same sort of alerts for threats on the nation's capital. The public have no means to verify government's alerts regarding threats as well "alleged" health warnings and pandemics, always underlined by political theater and fearmongering.

Instead, US government arrogantly expects unquestioned trust along demonstrated allegiance while presumptuously operating in secret, that is, unknowns indeterminable thus immeasurable. Personal relationships never bode well nor endure with so much secrecy, yet oddly the same dynamic commonly accepted even supported for political arrangements. Astonishing!

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Governor Tate Reeves deserves no praise nor gratitude...

Governor Tate Reeves deserves no praise nor gratitude (see link/video). It has been my concern that the governor would continue the road of "excessive caution" so to hedge his political bets. I see his decision not as noble rather as convenient per growing pressure. He is certainly not a leader, rather a follower, a mere member of the Republican herd. For the party did little to prevent or revert the tyranny of 2020/21 related to Covid-1984. After a year of such despotism, the people are to be thankful? NO!

As I have stated before, all governors and mayors who locked down their economies in part or whole (the degree matters not) should stand trial for crimes against humanity. As harsh that may be, far less harsh than the past year have been for many lives.

For context... Mississippi is my adopted home state for the past 25 years.


Monday, March 1, 2021

Not only the separation of Church and State... so the separations of Medicine and State, Education and State, Economy and State, Currency and State...

Not only the separation of Church and State is logically, sustainably thus ethically necessary, so the separations of Medicine and State, Education and State, Economy and State, Currency and State and many more are logically, sustainably thus ethically necessary.

If any of the aforementioned are not self-evident to the reader, it is directly due to years even decades of misinformation, disinformation, censorship, banning canceling, slandering as well obvious propaganda, boldfaced lies as provided by publicly funded education, government and crony-media, compounded by personal preferences, biases, polities driven by arrogance, presumption rooted in covetousness.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.