Thursday, December 31, 2020

The year 2020 in United States will be studied 100 years from now...

The year 2020 in United States will be studied 100 years from now as the rise of boldfaced Tyranny upon two decades of inhumane warmongering abroad, massive surveillance, monstrous torturing, widespread arrests of whistleblowers, unprecedented monetary expansion (ever in world history), and now another politician elected to ensure the 21st century presidents as the most heinously despicable in the aforementioned ways unaware to citizenry well naïve, ignorant, presumptuous, arrogant and certainly covetous.

I hope and pray 2021 will not continue to be so. However my hope is not founded on evidence nor recent history obviously. My prayer and faith is definitely not placed on US government, state/local governments nor the American people. 

Not until enough individuals reason observably, logically, ethically then consistently towards understanding, practicing as well respecting, regarding the singular human right to consent or dissent on all matters, any hope or prayer will be for naught. God will not intervene nor Perchance haphazardly if to insist and persist transgressing natural law(s) instituted since the human specie first reasoned. My apologies.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

1 comment:

  1. Am I hyperbolic even grossly, ignorantly wrong? I pray to God I am!
