Saturday, December 5, 2020

Despot-to-be Biden proposes the edict for 100 days of masks...

Despot-to-be Biden proposes the edict for 100 days of masks so to determine conveniently, publicly the common vassalage to Office and State...

More fines and arrests of course for those trying to run businesses as tyranny widens and deepens (ie. Mac's Tavern in Staten Island among many others). This ironically upon tolerance and support for those who destroy businesses whether politically or riotously.

To be sure, embolden overtly further will be strategies and tactics Hitlerjugend-esque, Sturmabteilung-like even Schutzstaffel-akin if not identical in methodology and severity against any who thinks, speaks and acts contrarily as Individuals. More will be made examples!

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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