Wednesday, December 23, 2020

US Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky speaks boldly, truthfully, ethically...

US Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky speaks boldly, truthfully, ethically against the current stimulus bill...

"The next time you see Republicans in high moral dudgeon, claiming and complaining about spending by Democrats and Socialism, remind them. Remind them if they supported this monstrous bill, that really the difference between the parties is less Adam Smith versus (Karl) Marx and more (Karl) Marx versus (Friedrich) Engels." 

Earlier, Mr. Paul rightly disses further his fellow Republicans for their hypocrisy...

"Republicans like to mock Modern Monetary Theory. The idea that government can print money with impunity, that government can spend whatever it wants without the need to tax. Modern Monetary Theory is basically the 'Dick Cheney deficits don't matter' crowd trussed up with a new fancy title. Most Republicans rightly lampoon this quackery, that is, when they are not practicing the quackery themselves."

Rand Paul's senate speech will be as memorably noteworthy as his father's congressional farewell speech in 2012.

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