Saturday, December 12, 2020

There can not be emancipation of Individualism without first recognizing these historical inconveniences...

There can not be emancipation of Individualism without first recognizing these historical inconveniences...

The current unapologetic Despots and unashamed Tyrants among United States' local, state and federal politicians rose not within spans of weeks, months even years, rather numerous decades, that is to say over two centuries incrementally upon the Summer and Scheme of 1787 then 1792 as rehearsed by Washington's March and Madness 13,000-strong against a few West Pennsylvanian Individualists, reiterated by Jefferson's Ruse and Purchase of Louisiana Territories thus Subjugation of Louisiana Inhabitants and again by Madison's Debacle the Encore of 1812, reaffirmed by Lincoln's promulgated Preservation though purposed Damnation of the Union, paralleled by Davis' Confederacy and Heresy of State Rights underwritten hypocritically per the Enslaving and Erasing of the Singular Human Right to Consent or Dissent on all matters, also paralleled by Presidents' Annihilation of the Indigenous then Reservation of the Remnants, expanded by McKinley's Revocation of Spanish Imperialism per Invocation of American Imperialism, of course gravely even inhumanely outdone by 20th Century's Total Wars as well 21st Century's Perpetual Wars... and many more such inconveniences may appropriately exemplify.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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