Monday, December 28, 2020

Glenn Greenwald as interviewed by Nick Gillespie of ReasonTV...

Nothing Trump Did Compares to the 'Moral Evil' of Bush's and Obama's Wars. 
Glenn Greenwald as interviewed by Nick Gillespie of ReasonTV...

"George Bush and Dick Chaney started new wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama started new wars in Libya and Yemen. What new wars did Donald Trump start? If you go down the list and look at things like the destruction of Iraq, and the implementation of a torture regime, what has Donald Trump done that even remotely compares in terms of moral evil to any of that? Nothing! And yet no, we're suppose to treat George Bush and Barack Obama like morally upstanding statesmen, and Donald Trump like the literal reincarnation of Hitler."

Personal Note:
Although there is plenty to critique the Trump administration like the continuation of Bush/Obama's policies as militarism, imperialism, police-statism, interventionism, cronyism, corporatism, monetarism and more, racism is not one of them nor expansion of US warmongering with new wars. 

To additionally note, upon the completion of Trump's first and only presidential term, the Obama two-term administration still holds the record for using and abusing the Espionage Act of 1917 by indicting several times more whistleblowers than ALL administrations combined.

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