Sunday, June 14, 2020


There is a bipartisan WAR on HUMANITY covetously, presumptuously waging by politicians and citizens alike...

1. Governments shut down economic, social and religious activities to allegedly respond to an exaggerated pandemic.

2. Federal Reserve floods the country's economy with trillions of fiat (counterfeit) dollars per the recent under-reported bust of a historical 12 year bubble.

3. Protesters-turn-rioters destroy private businesses and properties in numerous US cities, even brutally seizing the same for autonomy, independence if you will, while demanding dependence on others' resources.

4. Police brutality becomes the convenient scape-goat to divert from the far graver government brutality thereby perpetuating even expanding the latter.

5. Gubernatorial and mayoral orders, without accountability to legislators and people, have become the new despotic means to establish law.

6. Enforced vaccines and enforced tracking are discussed as foregone conclusions thus likely forthcoming.

7. Few logically, rightly connect the above 6 points to the last two decades of US warmongering, surveillance, torture, drug-raids, monetization and more.

I conclude again. As politically motivated thus forcefully manipulated, maintained and magnified, whether pursuing on Earth some well-intended Heavenly realm or ill-intended Hellish regime, both purposes upon government's coercion inherently equate to inhumane Tyranny.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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