Tuesday, June 2, 2020

George Floyd and Federal Reserve

George Floyd transacted $20 worth of illegal counterfeit (i.e. fiat) money last week, thus questionably arrested and inhumanely choked to death. Federal Reserve created $1,000,000,000,000s worth of legal fiat (i.e. counterfeit) money last few months, thus popularly supported and politically encouraged to do more of the same.

Whether creating, possessing and/or transacting illegal counterfeit money versus legal fiat money, both have similar ill effects on the value of currency and health of the economy. Both forms of money are without redeemable commodities supporting their value, both dishonestly valued though still utilized as long so trusted by the market, and both eventually inflate price of goods/services while deflating value of currency.

To be clear, LEGALITY determines by force the monopolization hence imposition of government money fiat or redeemable and nothing more. To be clearer still, MORALITY determines by expectation the trustworthiness hence usefulness of government and/or private monies however consistently redeemable therefore constantly valued.

With that said, $20 worth of illegal counterfeit (i.e. fiat) money circulating in the economy have virtually no effect if to compare to the long-lasting, devastating effect per $1,000,000,000,000s worth of legal fiat (i.e. counterfeit) money circulating in the economy. Yet for the former, George Floyd was disproportionately apprehended and viciously killed, while for the latter the Federal Reserve and Government will continue as before to covet, connive, collude, convince, condition, compel, concentrate, control, corral, coerce, confiscate, confine, conquer, consume and more.

The atrocity is far broader and deeper as well graver than racism, it is STATISM at its tyrannical worst.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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