Thursday, June 4, 2020

Police Brutality, Street Brutality, Military Brutality

If remaining accurate the insisted health practices a few months ago per the omniscient among government and media, then there should be tremendous surges of Covid-1984 cases among those justly protesting against police brutality along with those unjustly destroying and looting others' property, as well those policing, reporting and observing.

Logically, sitting near others in church pews, theater seats, salon chairs, at cafe/restaurant tables, nightclub bars are no more at risk if not significantly less than protesters and rioters shoulder to shoulder, body to body, face to face, amid much closeup gasping, yelling, sweating, tearing/crying, brawling, even bleeding, maiming. A viral breeding ground one would think.

My point. Whether it is police brutality, alleged pandemics, social lock-downs, economic shutdowns, fiat frenzies then market crashes then fiat frenzies again, alleged climatic crisis, national indebtedness, widespread joblessness, endless wars and more; all are manifestations of government's excessively vast powers.

With that said, I pray for Reason thus Peace for this gravely divided country. Just as US warmongering in other countries accomplishes nothing but destruction and death, so violence in American streets accomplishes nothing but destruction and death.

Is 1:18 / Mt 5:9

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