Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Anyone recall Eric Garner and David Hooks ... by The Rescissionist

Anyone recall why midsummer of 2014 police approached Eric Garner prior to choking him to death in broad daylight? Anyone consider by rescinding the "loosie" law and more, other such situations would be rightly, humanely avoided?

Anyone recall why later in 2014 police raided David Hooks' home prior to shooting him execution-style in the middle of the night? Anyone consider by rescinding at least "no knock" raids, at most the entire (goddamn) War on Drugs, other such situations would be rightly, humanely avoided?

Of course not, for the logic and ethic elude the mind well publicly educated thus politically conditioned.

Amid the horrific deaths of Mr. Garner, Mr. Hooks and many others during the Obama Administration, proposed were more sensitivity training, more body-cams, more evidential prerequisites along with the usual rhetoric for more and more government. Upon recent police brutalities and senseless deaths, the latest of thoughtless outcries "Defund the Police!" best exemplify the breadth and depth of society's intellectual psychosis, a logical disconnect, for to remain on books the excessive even oppressive orders, policies, laws, regulations, prohibitions, taxes consistently preceding all brutality. It is truly a matter of simple causality.

Racism is an enabled fragment of the enabling aggregate called Statism, a government excessive, oppressive and fuckin' out-of-control, as shown by many online statistics enumerating the brutal deaths by police among blacks, whites, browns, and others (see link as one example).


The Rescissionist (aka D.C. Quillan Stone)

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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