Friday, June 19, 2020

The RESCISSIONIST PARTY... perhaps it's time...


1. To write, propose, support and vote SOLELY for rescission, while opposing ALL legislation.
2. To sign SOLELY rescission, while vetoing ALL legislation.
3. To simply, consistently commit to Nos. 1 and 2.

Perhaps its time for such a political, or actually apolitical, ethical party.

If politics involve mainly if not entirely of debates thus pursuits for sufficient control of governmental force, therefore the perpetual unresolved ethical dilemma per those consenting imposing upon those dissenting, then the rescission of laws, regulations, policies, taxes, etc. is quite opposite to the aforementioned power exchanges hence struggles.

To be truly, humanely an Individualist, consistently respecting and regarding a person's Singular Right to Consent or Dissent on all matters, one must be a Rescissionist as well.

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