Friday, June 5, 2020


The AMERICAN ETHICAL PARADOX; are we aware, do we care...

Most if not all of those currently, fervently outspoken against government's police brutality and rightly so, have said little to nothing against US military brutality in the Mideast and elsewhere over the last two decades.

Most if not all of those currently, fervently outspoken against rioters' street brutality and rightly so, have said little to nothing against US military brutality in the Mideast and elsewhere over the last two decades.

Lets be clear. The US military brutality in the Mideast and elsewhere was bipartisan'ly expanded during Bush administration, bipartisan'ly escalated during Obama administration and still bipartisan'ly perpetuated during Trump administration. Upon all hands is the blood of hundreds of thousands.

Is it not the harshest of unavoidable ironies. The very American brutality abroad, largely supported by avidity as well allowed by apathy, have now violently manifested itself across United States merely in different forms.

GOD FORGIVE US ALL, for the unrestrained COVETOUSNESS at core of our sentimentally endeared isms, emotionally conjured rights as well conditioned moralities, conceited religiosities, misguided justices, misdirected allegiances and more.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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