Saturday, June 27, 2020

And there you have Biden's politically convenient strategy.

For context, I am NOT Democrat NOR Republican, for both parties over the decades have done much to depress this country's economy as well contuse, constrain and confiscate individual life, liberty and property here and abroad. And of recent months, both parties have either supported or allowed The Great American Oppression and Economic Chaos....

And there you have Biden's politically convenient strategy (see link/article); Health versus Plague. Meanwhile, the medical community remains divided between those persuaded by government funds (particularly Covid-1984 funding), versus those persuaded by non-padded data thus nonpolitical science although silenced and dissed by mass/social media and politicians.

Strategically, Democrats may have just lost the election by such tyrannical declaration regarding masks. Many citizens of both parties are publicly silent on the matter although may privately vote against the intrusion thus in favor of the lesser evil (if you will). We will see.

Personally, shame on any one who freely wears their mask yet insist all others be forced to do the same. I refer you to previous posts regarding my definition of perversion.

Washington Post: Joe Biden says he would require Americans to wear masks in public...

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