Thursday, February 20, 2020

The contest of 1776 was less than an American Revolutionary War....

The contest of 1776 was less than an American Revolutionary War, gravely dividing colonials particularly in the early years, thus appropriately far more the First American Civil War. As such, presumptuous terms like "we the people" and "will of the people" should be criticized as whimsically fantastical than actually factual, even when characterizing this country's founding.

Groups large or small rhetorically refer to themselves as "we" of course, although logically never representing one will, one voice, one opinion, one preference, one motive, one objective, etc. For the "will of the people" is unquestionably illusory, consequently the  "will" determined quite individually hence expressed and exercised daily, hourly as well momentarily, therefore utterly erroneous to argue, suggest even hint something collective or universal other than for lyrically misguided sentiments if one must emotionally insist on the vagary.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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