Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Quote by Henry Hazlitt

"Remaining in a state of doubt is unpleasant. The longer the doubt remains the more unpleasant it becomes. But the man who is willing to accept this unpleasantness, the man who is willing carefully to observe, or experiment if need be, to test the validity of his sug­ges­tions, will finally arrive at a solution much deeper, and one which will give him far more satisfaction, than the superficial answer obtained by the man of careless habits of thought."

Henry Hazlitt (1894-1993)

Prior he wrote... "What is essential is that all sug­ges­tions be tested out, either by memory, observation or experiment, in all their implications, and that the tendency be resisted to accept the first solution that suggests itself. For the uncritical thinker will always jump at the first sug­ges­tion, unless an objection actually forces itself into view."

Unfortunately yet accurately, one could easily apply Mr Hazlitt's critique upon most commonly held and popularly admired conclusions of late regarding politics, economics, social issues, rights, ethics even science, history too.

Taken from his essay later book Thinking as a Science. Highly recommend as well his books Economics in One Lesson and The Foundations of Morality.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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