Friday, February 28, 2020

Democracy and Mood Swings

If democracy is fundamentally imperative for a good and moral society as often implied even cited erroneously, then to be consistent, boundless mood swings must be regarded as fundamentally imperative for a good and moral person.

Democracy is not inherently noble, virtuous or principled, merely an amoral method among others for determining and making decisions within groups of any sort. On its own, democracy is susceptible to societal, political swings as irrationally extreme as unprincipled thus unbridled emotions or unchecked moods, knee-jerking to events, trends, fads, raves, rants as well contrivances. Occasional susceptibility soon turns to chronic vulnerability then terminal malignity.

As such, human instincts common among all other species are politically empowered hence covetously encouraged by the unconstrained vote, furthered gravely per human reasoning tainted and skewed upon selfishly ignored and/or legislatively mitigated responsibility and risk. At this juncture, democracy have made horizonlessly wide the path of least resistance towards cozening then confiscating any and all possessions and resources of others.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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