Monday, February 10, 2020


by D.C. Quillan Stone

Odd observations in short verse (or prose I suppose :-) ) as published in the 6th book MIDLAND (Nov 2011) under my then pen name Quillan.

Verse 1:
Then there was silence immaculate, equanimity's lustful echo, and it was good.

Verse 2:
There was silence sublime, the pensive kind of rune then rime, and it too was good.

Verse 3:
There was silence supine broadening, akin mist and fens at twilight, midst her skin he skimmed beholding `low moonlight, and it was good.

Verse 4:
There was silence kissed by wisp of lips, thus adieu as per lisp, and it was good.

Verse 5:
There was silence coupling mid redolence doubling, in drift aft shift of hankered thighs to dank sighs, and it was good.

Verse 6:
There was silence that wept for humanity’s death while kept to breast infancy’s breath, and it was good.

Verse 7:
There was silence cold, caressing to hold both fallen and sullen as resolute latter lay down the rancor, sheathed their sabers, and it was good.

Verse 8:
There was silence ill since the chill, riling the will, stifling the inhale whilst waned by pain to staining pale, as progeny’s cling graced anon easing finality’s sting, and it was good.

Verse 9:
There was silence weary by calluses dreary as drudgery trod upon sultry sod, hot yet copious, vis-à-vis hearth lustrous then girth desirous upon berth amorous, and it was good.

Verse 10:
There was silence vibrant per iron tampered, steel tempered, rivets fisted, jacks assisted by torsos twisted due pneumatic pulsations of passion’s displays, and it was good.

See link for the remaining verses...

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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