Thursday, December 28, 2017

Feedback on my current book project

As I receive some feedback on my current book project, I find the responses quite interesting. Whether persons are extremely right, extremely left or extremely moderate, all feel personally critiqued by my propositions, and they should for I equally critique the entire political spectrum as commonly measured by the ill formulated linear scale (i.e. right versus left, and everything else in between). What is troubling for those of these equally critiqued political views, is my use of the same logical thus ethical principle by which to judge consistently regardless of political party or platform. To exemplify....

By the same critique I judge Mr. Bush and Mr. Trump as monstrous warmongers thrashing about the world without regard to national sovereignty and less regard to individual life, liberty and property, I equally judge Mr. Obama as a monstrous warmonger thrashing about the world without regard to national sovereignty and less regard to individual life, liberty and property.

By the same critique I judge Mr. Obama as an economic, socialistic as well militaristic interventionist using primarily Fascistic (and/or Crony) as well Communistic means, I equally judge Mr. Bush and Mr. Trump as economic, socialistic as well militaristic interventionists using primarily Fascistic (and/or Crony) as well Communistic means.

By the same critique I judge Mr. Bush and Mr. Trump as detrimentally nationalistic in rhetoric and resulting policy with intended or unintended racist or biased implications, I equally judge Mr. Obama as detrimentally nationalistic in rhetoric and policy with intended or unintended racist or biased implications.

... and so on for merely name any politician and policy. Simply, United States is a society without principle. So it should not be surprising if one surveyed and analyzed logically, the various political postures would be rightly deemed as mere collections of arbitrary preferences, sentiments and schemes. And yes, I am speaking to the left, right, center, conservative, liberal, moderate, moralist, Christian or religious, Republican, Democrat as well any 3rd party even the Neo-Libertarian (contrary to the Misesian classical liberal or libertarian).

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

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