Saturday, September 11, 2021

O the brass rings o’er crass things as bellies swell for lack of bread, per empty racks, bare shelves tho’ barren more themselves instead...

Verses as drafted, unedited thus written late last eve into early morn with much American coffee (Black Rifle Vintage) and English gin (Plymouth) with a splash of Genevan tonic water (Schweppes) on the rocks, all for and towards my forthcoming 12th book....

Logic insofar Boolean thus seen, it seems, in forms algebraic
Rhymes of recent times while archaic and Aramaic upon mosaic
Gates, tables, expressions as codes scribed, inked then finessed
Till hammered and chiseled Romanesque, white as marble tress
His fingers brush the writ exegetical, as feathers along her skin
She sighs yet his eyes on each text, every verse, so it all begins
To spin towards spun, as wrung then contend, the end syllogistic
For horns of plenty hence casuistic the many, willingly parasitic 

And so it goes, the intellectual throes per goddamn inconsistency
If prolonged, persisted then personal arbitrariness, social idiocy
Political hypocrisy, and governmental tyranny by foregone chaos
As so long the pathos linger well into twilight’s "withering Amadeus"

On Patmos the mind wanders till Atlas shrugs the assassin’s drug
As polity fastens smug then stiffens arrogant upon the Persian rug
Masturbating their covetousness, erecting their presumptuousness
Ejaculating to their inner adulation within an outer monetized illness

The chillness then frigidness, per cyclical ice ages, repeated phases
Embracing illogic thus inconsistency as science’s mantric phrases
While tantric praises tossed as laurels on heads of jesters and kings
Lords and queens, their whores and fiends and depraved offspring

O the brass rings o’er crass things as bellies swell for lack of bread
Per empty racks, bare shelves tho’ barren more themselves instead
Feasting on bone, fucking alone, fighting forlorn, no coin, no corn
Worst than beasts in fields, old cocks on dunghills, as forewarned

Stanzas taken from the installments as listed below, see link for entire text along with rough notes, demonstrating the logic and consistency for "singular human right to consent or dissent" argument, rather proposition using Boolean algebra, logic gates, truth tables...

No. 229 - Law of Ethical Continuity / Part 3 (soon to be written)

My 12th book in progress entitled Propositions, Problems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters... Click on link or book cover.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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