Wednesday, September 29, 2021

To step out of the intellectual cave dug deep and dark by public schools and universities, never is a single step into the light...

To step out of the intellectual cave dug deep and dark by public schools and universities, never is a single step into the light, nor an arrival to an enlightened destination, rather the beginning of a lifelong path. I had already taken numerous baby-steps from the darkened depths towards the cave's mouth, but the first steps into sunlight were due to reading these five books within three to four or more months twenty plus years ago.

Consequently, since that time, I have insatiably read "many" books by the same five writers as well others; Locke, Flynn, Rothbard, Hayek, Menger, Bohm-Bawerk, Say, Turgot, Cantillon, (Federalists then to rightly counter the former the) Anti-Federalists, Spooner, Thoreau, Hamilton (only per his F.P. No. 84), Mill, Chodorov, Flynn, Rand, Garrett, Sowell, Woods, Paul, Williams, Rockwell, Deist, Block, Soto and many more.

Currently in preparation for my 12th book project, I have been studying the writings by several logicians/syllogists, of late Hazlitt, Jevons, Porphyry, Aristotle (of course), Boole with others yet to read.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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