Thursday, September 23, 2021

Individualism's Pledge of Allegiance and Creed...

Individualism's Pledge of Allegiance

Private property my country, family and friends my countrymen, consequently the sweaty, dirty, bloody, long worn shirt-off-back my flag for upon the rustic post at edge of field hangs that banner `neath my old hat, however tattered, patched, frayed, stained, worked thus ragged while individually, agreeably therefore mutually, consensually bought and bartered... I pledge allegiance to nothing else and to no other!

Individualism's Creed

To regard hence respect each and every person's Singular Human Right to Consent or Dissent on ALL matters as manifested per each and every person's Peculiar Human Ability to Reason. Without exemption or exception, all considerations must rest upon the aforesaid, else the unethical dilemma remaining unjustifiable ergo unresolvable until resumed and honored the one principle and creed.

Right, ethic and/or morality is NOT plural, lengthy, complex, inconsistent RATHER singular, concise, simple, consistent. Disagreement and rejection more often due to the covetously driven unwillingness to "consistently" recognize the above principle for others yet always expected for oneself. For consistency is a right or ethic's paramount characteristic, whose unwavering rigidness counters the popular covetousness, presumption and arrogance usually resulting to unwanted and injurious actions against others' dissent explicit even implicit... See my previous post for Individualism's Bill of Right.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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