Friday, July 30, 2021

Garet Garrett... There is in government a living impulse to extend itself indefinitely...

"There is in government a living impulse to extend itself indefinitely; and there is in freedom a necessity to resist that impulse."

Garet Garrett (1878-1954)

Then there is government subsidy of many clever bipartisan forms, arousing the citizenry's covetousness to a presumptuous erection thus the resulted arrogance insisting, persisting, demanding, determining, imposing, intruding others for temporary gratification until yet another covetous arousal soon following.

It is covetousness' PERVERSION most abhorrent, a reprobate mind, by consenting or dissenting on all matters per one’s preference, yet remain discontented, disconcerted even disturbed until others provide, forgo, act, behave, express, speak even believe, think compatibly, similarly even acceptably whether by force legal or force illegal. 

Quote taken from a 1932 collection of Garrett's essays entitled Insatiable Government, rightly critiquing the Hoover Administration's economic interferences. Some appropriately say the president was actually the "first" New Dealer. 

See links for below installments (draft form) from my latest book, particularly regarding covetousness and perversion, the root of the aforesaid political/social condition...

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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