Sunday, July 25, 2021

Lord Sumption... I’m afraid I think we are in for a dark age... The point about myth is that you need myth if you place your golden age in the past...

Americans need to discard the MYTH of a constitutional, political and/or governmental orthodoxy, that is to say, a time we had it right. We never had it right insomuch if to return we would have it right again. Proof? The dire juncture presently is a direct result of the past unavoidably, caused initially and contributed incrementally by Democrat and Republican parties equally over the many decades. If to reset then return upon any point in US history, we would only arrive once again today thus the same governmental excessiveness, political presumptuousness, social wantonness and personal covetousness.

Lord Sumption explains similarly during the interview...

"I’m afraid I think we are in for a dark age. The point about myth is that you need myth if you place your golden age in the past. Almost all human societies have a vision of a golden age. For centuries, perhaps until the end of the Middle Ages, people placed their golden age in the past, and they embroidered the past. They developed a myth about what the past had been like, a myth about what they were trying to recover for their own day. For three or four centuries now, western societies in particular have placed their golden age in the future. It’s something that they aspire to. Now, to create something for centuries ahead, myth is just irrelevant. And so, I don’t think we need myth. What we need is a culture of cooperation, a culture which is dedicated to something which laws are not strong enough to create in themselves."

See link for conversation/video...

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