Saturday, July 3, 2021

There is nothing to celebrate this 4th of July weekend in America...

There is nothing to celebrate this 4th of July weekend in America... 

For the past 18 months proved democratically elected government(s) capable of unprecedented presuming then subjugating, despotizing upon unprecedented colluding then propagandizing, fearmongering. 

The past 20 years proved democratically elected government(s) capable of massive domestic surveillance ever limitless upon massive foreign warmongering ever ceaseless.

The past 107 years (since 1913) proved democratically elected government(s) capable of monopolization of currency, expansion of money supply thus continual ruination of economy per repeated and escalated bubbles then inevitable busts (another soon to come).

The past 238 years (since 1787 and 1792) proved democratically elected government(s) capable of creating questionably flawed constitutions amid much self-adulation and public jubilation, immediately proceeding to endlessly amend, judge, redefine, distort, corrupt, discredit, slander then ignore the document until useless, meaningless hence worthless parchment.

Finally, the past is well littered with examples if to will one's mind to set aside most embraced sentiments, most accepted paradigms as fostered and festered by public education, mass media, political rhetoric so to observably study, logically ponder, persistently labor, till last breath. Literally!

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Thoughts and quotes (attached images) taken from my 10th and 11th books and forthcoming 12th to complete the trilogy on the Singular Human Right to Consent or Dissent on all matters.

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