Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Once upon a time, there were Sciences... Behold, wickedness darkened the land liken the 9th Plague...

Once upon a time, there were Sciences, the observation of consistency in pursuit of truth, as well Political Science, the presumption of covetousness in pursuit of power. The two clearly discernable thus the people rejoiced for the former, lamented per the latter.

Behold, wickedness darkened the land liken postdiluvian 9th Plague, hardening to stone the hearts of kings, princes, sages, priests, generals, jesters, wizards and subjects among the two tribes, corrupting then perverting Sciences as lamentable as Political Science. The two no longer discernable thus the remnant few mourned whose minds remained untouched by the corruption and perversion.

To define and explain my use of "perversion", allow me to clarify...

"Perversion; to consent or dissent on all matters per one’s preference, yet remain discontented, disconcerted even disturbed until others act, speak even think compatibly, similarly even acceptably whether by force legal or force illegal."


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