Saturday, July 24, 2021

The Return of Geopolitics and War by Michael von Liechtenstein... Economic measures and sanctions, propaganda, engineered social unrest, fake news and cyberattacks. These are instruments of hybrid warfare...

"More and more actors are using economic measures and sanctions, propaganda, engineered social unrest, fake news and cyberattacks. These are instruments of hybrid warfare. This “hidden” form of war is already taking place, especially between major powers. This strategy allows them to avoid direct military confrontation and the ravages caused by weapons of mass destruction (be they nuclear, chemical or biological)."


The above quote hence concept is so critical for my countrymen (Americans) to grasp, having bought into the longstanding propagandized notion therefore political justification for bans, sanctions, embargoes, etc. as "allegedly" necessary then effective. As all propaganda go, such indirect tactics are never necessary nor effective towards the political objectives, always with the additional unintended harm to particular domestic industries thus companies' lost of profits, employees' lost of jobs, producers' lost of materials, consumers' lost of goods, and so on. The aforesaid in parallel to antagonistic warlike characteristics as pointed out in the article are recipes for inevitable disaster.

Free trade among private companies and free association among private individuals, although not perfect, are the best known preventions to strife, riot, conflict and war.

The Return of Geopolitics and War by Michael von Liechtenstein...,3565,c.html

1 comment:

  1. I am compelled to give honor where honor is due... Prince Michael von Liechtenstein is rare among the world's polities and corporates, rarer still among world's royalties, where the latter if prone to speak do so on social trifles much like dullish celebrities of various sorts. Instead, the prince expresses specifically, articulately, regularly, boldly, more important, observably, knowledgably, logically, consistently therefore (per my prevailing thesis) ethically.

    Among other briefs and posts, Prince Michael von Liechtenstein is Chairman of the European Center of Austrian Economics Foundation Vaduz. For those unfamiliar, Austrian Economics consist of a body of works by economists such as Carl Menger, Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, Ludwig von Mises, F.A. Hayek, and many others associated over the decades as well centuries.

    European Center of Austrian Economics Foundation...

    For those newly intrigued, I will point out preceding the aforesaid economists were the French economics/writers Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, Jean-Baptiste Say and Claude-Frédéric Bastiat. One would study for years to come if exclusive to these men, thus your paradigm well challenged. :-)
