Monday, August 31, 2020

The gold standard did not collapse... Ludwig von Mises

"The classical or orthodox gold standard alone is a truly effective check on the power of the government to inflate the currency. Without such a check all other constitutional safeguards can be rendered vain."

Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973)

The quote above as well below taken from his 1912 book The Theory of Money and Credit.

"The gold standard did not collapse. Governments abolished it in order to pave the way for inflation. The whole grim apparatus of oppression and coercion — policemen, customs guards, penal courts, prisons, in some countries even executioners — had to be put into action in order to destroy the gold standard. Solemn pledges were broken, retroactive laws were promulgated, provisions of constitutions and bills of rights were openly defied. And hosts of servile writers praised what the governments had done and hailed the dawn of the fiat-money millennium." 

Sunday, August 30, 2020

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem... Rare!

"I know that when you have a leader overstep their authority in a time of crisis, that's really when you lose this country. And I didn't want to be guilty of doing that... So I never issued a shelter-in-place, I never closed a business. I didn't even define an essential business ... because I don't have the authority to do that." 

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem

In case anyone needed an example of constitutionally limited government powers. Unfortunately, such precedents are so rare among the two major parties, it would be egregious for a partisan of either persuasion to boast accordingly exemplary.

However it is much worst. While politicians gravely overstepped their gubernatorial and mayoral powers, inflicting long-term damage to economy as well trampling underfoot the Right to Liberty, by dereliction of duty the same politicians allowed the Rights to Property even Life thus the defense thereof, to be destroyed, threatened as well terminated.

None are excused (save the aforementioned), for those in offices of the Democrat and Republican parties have largely or marginally participated or fearfully abandoned.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

This passion for bureaucracy is enough to drive one to despair...

"This passion for bureaucracy is enough to drive one to despair. It is as if in politics we were to deliberately to become men who need order and nothing but order, who become nervous and cowardly if for one moment this order wavers, and helpless if they are torn away from their total incorporation in it. That the world should know no men but these: it is in such an evolution that we are already caught up, and the great question is therefore not how we can promote and hasten it, but what can we oppose to this machinery in order to keep a portion of mankind free from this parceling-out of the soul, from this supreme mastery of the bureaucratic way of life."

Maximilian Karl Emil Weber (1864-1920)

As observed in his own country Germany of course, but throughout Europe as well United States, Canada and elsewhere, and as stated in his 1905 book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.

Personal note... When randomly falling upon such beautifully written as well quite observable truisms, often I will seek out a copy of the book. It will be interesting to read and consider Weber's greater context and argument within which this quote resides, a statement well confirming my running thesis regarding Individualism.


AT END OF DAY... Regardless who we are, the color of skin, place of origin, lot in life, preference of identity, persuasion of politics, level of education, choice of profession, pursuit of philosophy, prayer of faith and more, deep within us all there screams with all passion that could be mustered, with all knowledge that could be studied, with all logic that could be observed, with all ethic that could be confirmed, with all consistency that could be affirmed, with all urgency that could be defended; MY LIFE MATTERS!!! 

SO MUCH SO... The continuing economic shutdown, mask mandate, social distancing then forthcoming vaccine, the escalating protest, riot, trespass, theft, threat, destruction, arson, rape, murder, as well the perpetuating polity covetously, presumptuously thus selfishly played by every partisan of both major parties in recent years upon distant decades, all are starkly even violently contrary to the Singular Human Propensity, Prerogative therefore Right deeply rooted within each of our lives that matter; the persistence even insistence to CONSENT or DISSENT on ALL MATTERS.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Why I do not support the Democrat Party nor Republican Party...

Why I do not support the Democrat Party nor Republican Party...

Both have supported and legislated their respective pleasures and measures of Corporatism, Socialism, Monetarism as well general Economic Fascism (top-down regulatory methodology towards total control of the economy, oppose to Economic Communism's bottom-up confiscatory methodology towards total control of the economy).

In addition...

Both have supported and legislated their respective pleasures and measures of Paternalism, Domestic/Foreign Interventionism therefore Police-Statism and Militarism/Imperialism.


Both have supported and legislated their respective pleasures and measures of Statism thus enabled and empowered Racism, Favoritism, Cronyism and various other self-serving Isms else Human Ills, and as of recent months, unrestrained and unapologetic Despotism.

RESCISSION is the only logical, ethical as well sustainable remedy, not further legislation, not more enforcement (force of any kind), not some perceived empathetic, moral or pious politician, nor prayer, meditation, community, unity, anthem to nation, allegiance to flag, or any other ritual and sentiment... but RESCISSION alone!

The Rescissionist aka D.C. Quillan Stone

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

Monday, August 24, 2020

But lets be consistent shall we in our critique of inhumane violence...

"Donald Trump Invited McCloskeys to Speak at RNC Convention Because He's Readying His People for Violent Mutiny if the Results Don’t Go His Way" per MSNBC and others.

I am not a supporter of the Trump administration nor the Republican Party, but the violence thus far have been well encouraged by agencies like MSNBC, CNN, etc. as well the Democrat Party. In addition, defending one's home and property is hardly "violent mutiny", while looting and destroying businesses as well homes are acts quite violent even inhumane.

But lets be consistent shall we in our critique of inhumane violence...

Americans still do not give a damn for Mideastern businesses, homes, properties as well grandparents fathers, mothers, teenagers in school buses, children in classrooms, babies in parents' arms, shoppers at marketplaces, attendees at weddings thus shooting, bombing and drone'ing indiscriminately by the Bush, Obama and Trump administrations well supported by Democrats and Republicans alike.

And what about police brutality that have effected people of all colors? Lets consider as well government brutality, bureaucratic brutality, legislative brutality, military brutality that preceded. For it is Statism that empowers human ills such as racism and an array of other prejudices and biases.

My apologies.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Quote by Dr. Ron Paul... We must reject the initiation of violence...

“Our goals can only be achieved with a society that respects and equally protects the rights of every human being, old and young, rich and poor, regardless of gender, color, race, or creed. We must reject the initiation of violence by individuals or government as morally repugnant.”

Dr. Ron Paul


He is a physician, retired congressman, past presidential candidate, webcast host, prolific writer and speaker against government's violence thus against political intervention militarily, socially, educationally, paternally, privately/personally, and of course economically. If you never read his 2009 book END THE FED (Federal Reserve), then do so for it is applicable more than when first written and published.

When I first read it 10 years ago, the most thought-provoking yet quite accurate commentary was when Dr. Paul suggested we would no longer need the CIA once eliminated the Federal Reserve. Thus the correlation; the questionable foreign activities of the latter necessitate the questionable foreign activities of the former.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Many incorrectly refer to the US economy as Capitalism...

Many incorrectly refer to the US economy as Capitalism or Crony-Capitalism, when in fact it is more accurately Crony-Socialism, Socialistic-Cronyism, Socialistic-Corporatism, simply Cronyism else Corporatism, or any categorization other than Capitalism therefore fast approaching full-blown Socialist-Fascism as proposed, supported and imposed knowingly or unknowingly by both major parties.

Due to moving away from Individualism's subset of activities called Capitalism long ago (particularly since 1913), the US economy have been incrementally, steadily and now exponentially declining. To blame Capitalism for today's economic woes is to completely overlook the larger part of the economy long highly regulated, taxed, fined, subsidized, granted, loaned, banned, sanctioned, prohibited, and more, as well monetized.

To define...

Fascism is of course a top-down regulatory methodology towards total control of the economy, while Communism a bottom-up confiscatory methodology towards total control of the economy.

Individualism, in stark contrast to the former, is the constant respect hence consistent regard for each and every person's Peculiar Human Ability to Reason manifested as the Singular Human Right to Consent or Dissent on ALL matters.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Democrat Party - Atlas Shrugged 2.0, Republican Party - Atlas Shrugged 1.9

To appropriately parallel with the crumbling society well described in Ayn Rand's brilliant book, an assessment of the two major parties' past contributions and current propositions towards the same sort of decline...

Democrat Party - Atlas Shrugged 2.0
Republican Party - Atlas Shrugged 1.9

The point? To suggest one party over the other is somehow the country's salvation, is to support a progressively, aggressively immoral society, consequently a downward economy. To go further. If to suggest a particular major party, then one is as much part of the prevailing problem as those conveniently blamed.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Why are major news sources patronized...

Why are major news sources patronized enough to remain in business...

Trump's executive action to defer payroll taxes would cost you in 2021 per CNN... same news agency celebrated trillions upon trillions of bail outs, subsidy checks and more passed by Congress over recent months.

US troops attacked in eastern Syria per FOX News... when an US helicopter fired upon a "stationary" Syrian check point at edge of US occupation of Syrian lands.

No spun thus fake news here...:-)

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

My Life Matters!

MY LIFE MATTERS! Not because I say so, because we each innately say and ethically behave so since our specie first reasoned...

Regardless the popular collectivism misguidedly favored versus properly disfavored at a given moment, the universally respected and regarded "MY LIFE MATTERS!" is the passionately constant retort and logically consistent response by each and every INDIVIDUAL when confronting threat of theft, plunder, injury, rape, murder as well mob riot, police brutality, organized terror, government war or any other form of violence whether criminal, social or political. 

Both the protester in the street and the politician in the office will similarly retort and equally respond "MY LIFE MATTERS!" when his/her preferred form of social/political violence inevitably visits upon their own head as well visits upon their business, home, friends and family. Unless to briefly point out the hypocrisy then move on, no one could logically, ethically fault them or anyone else for the retort and response.

It is not selfishness but self-preservation therefore the ineradicable human propensity and inexorable human right to consent or dissent on literally all matters. To disrespect then disregard the propensity and right for others while excusing yourself is monstrously inhumane.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

Monday, August 17, 2020

Secrecy, Conspiracy, Transparency and Theory

SECRECY; conversations and/or actions purposefully undisclosed.

CONSPIRACY; when two or more collude so to conspire towards objectives, covetously on their own behalf, presumptuously on others' behalf (if so promulgated), of course within the prerequisite context of SECRECY.

Is not much of governmental activity conducted in such secretive thus conspiratorial ways? Of course it is! So why most of either partisan persuasion will snicker and scoff at the combined words "conspiracy" and "theory" as some well established lunacy? To define further...

TRANSPARENCY; diminished or negated when SECRECY exists in any measure, a measure always indeterminable thus incalculable as characteristic of all unknowns.

THEORY; a proposition yet proven per insufficient or circumstantial evidence, as often the case when suspicious of particular activity when diminished or negated the TRANSPARENCY per SECRECY and CONSPIRACY.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

One of the country's most beloved institutions???

Per CNN and others... "Democrats are launching an emergency effort to thwart what they warn is President Donald Trump's attempt to squeeze the US Postal Service -- one of the country's most beloved institutions."

One of the country's most beloved institutions??? Astonishing!!!

I suspect this issue will be the "constitutional crisis" out of all the election manipulations by both major parties over the decades per propaganda, slander thus campaign ads, exclusion of 3rd parties from debates, exclusion of major party candidates from debates (i.e. see note), accepting donations of conflicting interests, rearranging of congressional districts, and more. 

To note... Tulsi Gabbard was excluded from Democrat presidential after the first debate upon rightly exposing Kamala Harris' record as California attorney general as well San Francisco district attorney. Of course, the promulgated reason was low polls. However, Ms Gabbard's exclusion was more systemic per her clear and consistent criticism of Ms Harris as well objection to the 20 years of foreign wars, much like the marginalizing of Dr. Ron Paul in past presidential runs.

Yet, few cared about these attempts to manipulate elections by either exclusion from debates, as few care about the ongoing exclusion of 3rd parties from debates. The inconsistency therefore hypocrisy reeks of "politics as usual" and "partisans well led".

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Without political power or force... With political power or force...

Without political power or force thus the path solely in existence, one must broaden and deepen their argument, as well sharpen and beacon their debate, so to convey, compete then convince more effectively. 

With political power or force thus the path of least resistance, one will spin, lie, accuse, slander, defame, soon resort to stir, incite, anger even fear-monger, so to collude, conspire then coerce most effectively.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

Friday, August 14, 2020

Rescission politically else dissension individually!

It is mid August and still ongoing the Covid-1984 nonsense, masks obligatory yet unnecessary even unhealthy, economic shutdowns of various devastating severity, fiat currency expansion at obscenely unprecedented rate (economic harm yet fully manifested), along with sanctioned rioters destroying properties and threatening lives, defunding or removing enforcement departments without rescinding laws/taxes and more.

It should be clear by now. Short of appropriately aggressive rescission of polities and legalities, hardy individuals will have to dissent then determine their personal resolutions and solutions, for governments at all levels will not relent, people will continue to submit while the US empire predictably crumbles. It is naive even foolhardy to suggest your preferred candidate as the answer.

Rescission politically else dissension individually!

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

More on Human ABILITY to REASON, Human RIGHT to CONSENT - Proem & Poem No. 175

 Most likely to be published later this winter of 2020/2021, my 11th book entitled appropriately; More Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover a slightly modified yet appropriate version of the previous....

PROEM & POEM No. 175 - The Rescissionist / Part 7

      Upon entering every election cycle, ardent partisans fast claim their preferred candidates represent some moral banner, rightful standard, thus the opposition slandered and smeared as wrongful even immoral. The aggressive mood and digressive mode have become unfortunately the 21st century accepted and practiced norm among both polity and citizenry.

      Yet all making such claims cannot logically cite an ethical principle constantly argued, consistently applied, rather mere preferences acceptable only to most or some, necessitating some form of force per the covetous objectives by presumptive measures. Of course, force minimally directed to them while maximally imposed upon others, hence selfishly hoping for greater benefit, lesser detriment. Nonetheless, all will boldly herald the aforementioned as rightful and moral once obscenely wrung then cleverly spun. With that said, rescission is the deceleration even interruption of this aggressive mood and digressive mode.

      It is important to note. One cannot logically categorize as force an agreeable law, as though sacrificially, nobly submitting along with those who disagreed. Instead, force is a tolerable or desirable arrangement for the consented, therefore violence for the dissented.


Force, covetousness perfectly bloomed in colors of blood
Introrsely the presumptuousness upon passion’s flood
Clouds o’er reddish mud aft’ fiery pillars and smoky plumes
By societies’ killers, twilight-dancing in polities’ ballrooms


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Copyright © 2020 by D.C. Quillan Stone

Bit surprised Mr. Biden chose Ms Harris...

Bit surprised Mr. Biden chose one of the least successful primary candidates, and given Ms. Harris' aggressive record regarding drug convictions (along with her diffident simper then arrogant smirk when asked about her own substance use). Together and if elected, they will be "politics as usual" as those prior of either party, and worst per the predictably incremental government expansion thus economic digression as consistently exemplified by all past administrations.

As one neither Democrat or Republican, Tulsi Gabbard would have been a far better choice. At least the ticket would have some resemblance of moral principle, for she fervently supports putting an end to some of the goddamn warmongering by the US government/military.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Your bristled temperament as well your raised hair on back of neck...

You reject the constant respecting and consistent regarding of an individual's propensity, preference and prerogative thus the Singular Human Right to Consent or Dissent for ALL matters? Fine.

Then please, tell me. When someone arbitrarily disrespects and disregards an individual's propensity, preference and prerogative to consent or dissent on any particular matter, explain why it is NOT violation by imposition or intrusion upon covetousness, presumption and arrogance of the kind that bristles the temperament as well raises the hair on back of neck.

And please, tell me once more. When someone arbitrarily disrespects and disregards YOUR propensity, preference, and prerogative to consent or dissent on any particular matter, explain YOUR objection to their violation by imposition or intrusion, YOUR condemnation of their covetousness, presumption and arrogance, YOUR bristled temperament as well YOUR raised hair on back of neck.

Therefore the ethical dilemma fomented and festered probable yet resolvable within private and social affairs, but inherently present as well perpetually unsolvable within all political isms and governmental systems.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

Monday, August 10, 2020

More on Human ABILITY to REASON, Human RIGHT to CONSENT - Proem & Poem No. 174

Most likely to be published later this winter of 2020/2021, my 11th book entitled appropriately; More Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover a slightly modified yet appropriate version of the previous....

PROEM & POEM No. 174 - The Rescissionist / Part 6

      If there is any presumption it is the other way against holders of power, increasing as the power increases. Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it. 

      Lord Acton (1834-1902)
      Absolute power corrupts absolutely! Indeed, history proved innumerably, horrifically the axiom, as occurring today therefore lessons astonishingly remain yet learned. To elaborate further hence another unavoidable, observable truism squarely founded upon the equally unavoidable, observable fact; marginal power corrupts marginally, for corruption is unavoidably in direct proportion. Power of any measure inevitably germinates the dormant and corruptible seed Covetousness ever-present, if watered by unprincipled consideration then developing into Presumption iridescent, if sunned by unscrupulous anticipation then maturing into Arrogance effervescent, of course onto Violation subsequent as purposed thus Violence consequent as proposed. To remedy, simply reduce or remove the power by rescission.

      Consequently to propose and define logically, ethically hence consistently; Violence is one’s action directed towards and against another’s dissent explicit or dissent implicit per consent unexpressed. It matters not the former person’s intent, objective, benefit nor office if politically empowered else station or status, neither the latter person’s error in judgment or resulting detriment in so dissenting; Violation thus Violence nonetheless!


The mind reprobate, unable or unwilling to fairly observe
Forming the logical curve, from empirical to ethical nerve
Coexistence preserve, thus existence conserve then survive
As well thrive, thwarted alone, by imposition as contrived


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Copyright © 2020 by D.C. Quillan Stone

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Trump, Pelosi and Jesus

Regarding posts depicting Trump with Jesus; walking, embracing, praying and more. And I know I am about to stomp on a lot of toes on both sides of the aisle, but I do not give a damn....

Such posts are indicative of partisan politics lowering itself to new levels of analytical, logical, ethical depravity covetously, presumptuously driven!!! The same sort of depravity that inspired the below mantra a few of years ago....

"Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you: Jesus Christ and the American Soldier; one died for your soul, the other died for your freedom."

Of course, the examples are not the only two, for additionally to these; displaying the Bible wrapped in the US Flag, equating Patriotism to Faith or Virtue, claiming Christ would have been a Democrat (i.e. Pelosi), politically presuming what Jesus would have done, near-elevating the Founding Fathers to the Apostles, and so on. 

The national, political and/or partisan exceptionalism, combined with moral elitism either religious or social, have blinded many Americans to the atrocities even monstrosities committed by the US government well supported by the Right along with the Left.

Astonishing, appalling!!!

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

Saturday, August 8, 2020

More on Human ABILITY to REASON, Human RIGHT to CONSENT - Proem & Poem No. 173

Most likely to be published later this winter of 2020/2021, my 11th book entitled appropriately; More Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover a slightly modified yet appropriate version of the previous....

PROEM & POEM No. 173 - To Refuse Bowing, Submitting

      Passionately, it is logical, ethical therefore rightful even essential to refuse bowing hence submitting to social, media, political pressures to unfairly, unequally refer even emphasize one or more ethic groups, or any defined group(s), to the exclusion of others. So it is paramount to discredit, reject and thwart ideologically, outspokenly the 20th/21st century fads, trends, expectations, impositions, as well various polities consequently laws, policies, programs, subsidies, loans, bans, sanctions, regulations, restrictions along with arrests, indictments, etc.

      Whatever reason for such arbitrarily selective referencing and emphasizing matters not, for it only serves to justify inconsistency whether intentional or not. The unfortunate, unavoidable fact is this. These popular mantras, slogans or rally-cries today cannot be consistently expressed upon swapping one group of people for another without mass slandering, dissing, defaming, cancelling, censoring, thusly condemning. The hysterical response(s) should raise commonly sensible if not studiously logical flags in the minds of all, but sadly it does not. If politically, socially not allowed to swap with any and all groups of people, then the motives cloaked and shrouded by these mantras, slogans or rally-cries should be obvious; either naively, gravely misguided or covetously, violently disturbed. There is no third alternative explanation.

      If one correctly understands principle, morality, justice or ethic as something consistently understood, applied and practiced, then the acid test is simply this; is it consistently understood, applied and practiced. My apologies for the redundancy, but consistency is the critical dynamic absent in nearly all current discussions and issues regarding polity, policy, society, economy, equality, justice, fairness, etc. Yet consistency is an absolute dynamic necessary by which to rightly, accurately judge then condemn or exonerate the same.


Same in individuality, each particularity, every peculiarity
Ipseity by design, identity aligned unto enshrined personality
Hence propensities, prerogatives, preferences then purposes
Upon consenting versus dissenting as reasoning thus surfaces


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Copyright © 2020 by D.C. Quillan Stone

I passionately refuse to bow...

I passionately refuse to bow to social, media, political pressures, to unfairly, unequally refer even emphasize one or two ethic groups, or any defined group, to the exclusion of others. 

Whatever reason for such arbitrarily selective referencing and emphasizing matters not, for it only serves to justify "inconsistency" whether intentional or not. The unfortunate, unavoidable fact is this. These popular mantras, slogans or rally-cries today cannot be "consistently" expressed upon swapping one group of people for another without mass slandering, dissing, defaming, cancelling, censoring thus condemning. The hysterical response(s) should raise commonly sensible if not studiously logical flags in the minds of all, but sadly it does not. 

If politically, socially not allowed to swap with any and all groups of people, then the motives cloaked and shrouded by these mantras, slogans or rally-cries should be obvious; either naively, gravely misguided or covetously, violently disturbed. There is no third alternative explanation.

If one correctly understands principle, morality, justice or ethic as something "consistently" understood, applied and practiced, then the acid test is simply this; is it "consistently" understood, applied and practiced. My apologies for the redundancy, but "consistency" is the critical dynamic absent in nearly all current discussions and issues regarding polity, policy, society, economy, equality, justice, fairness, etc. Yet "consistency" is an absolute dynamic necessary by which to rightly, accurately judge then condemn or exonerate the same.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

Individual emancipation is the logically ceaseless path...

Individual emancipation is the logically ceaseless path, the passionately lifelong quest not all so choose. Yet if chosen, one must deliberately, devotedly, dauntlessly Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath. 

Plainly, there are no substitution nor resolution rather interference, hindrance, dependence as well mere appearance among government's polities, legalities, subsidies and universities. ONLY YOU the Individual can choose, work, support while read, inquire, perceive, estimate, endeavor, furthermore risk-fail-bear, err-suffer-learn, stumble-fall-experience moreover rise-stand-revive to possibly achieve, then repeat the entire equation if necessary.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

More on Human ABILITY to REASON, Human RIGHT to CONSENT - Proem & Poem No. 172

Most likely to be published later this winter of 2020/2021, my 11th book entitled appropriately; More Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover a slightly modified yet appropriate version of the previous....

PROEM & POEM No. 172 - Religious Fidelity, Pious Morality

      It is unfortunate to assume my intent and/or statement (see No. 80) undermine religion. The assumption would be completely erroneous.

      It follows, when reason’s expression per individual consent as well dissent are honored in rhetoric and practice concerning all matters, only then can be found genuine fairness, equality, justice, freedom, that is to say, the sole ethic among non-omnipresent, non-omniscient and non-omnipotent thus quite finite mortals.

      One's religious fidelity and pious morality are higher standards of course, if so freely chosen, and if so consistently founded upon the respect and regard for the universally recognized, constantly practiced and individually expected human right (per mere observation since antiquity) to consent or dissent on all matters.

      If not however, then one's religious fidelity and pious morality are arbitrary at best, at worst an atrocity when presumed, imposed and enforced against the person's individuality therefore the specie's humanity.


In the beginning God created, it is true, tho’ oft disputed
And God said, Let us make man in our image, as oft refuted
After our likeness, thus continued, excused yet reasoned did He
Man, as did She Woman, twain so framed, each per own key


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Copyright © 2020 by D.C. Quillan Stone

Saturday, August 1, 2020

More on Human ABILITY to REASON, Human RIGHT to CONSENT - Proem & Poem No. 171

Most likely to be published later this winter of 2020/2021, my 11th book entitled appropriately; More Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover a slightly modified yet appropriate version of the previous....

PROEM & POEM No. 171 - The Rescissionist / Part 5

      Covetousness then Presumption are not merely possible prerequisites to coercive actions, rather the constant precondition to any use of force upon those dissenting whether by king, minister, president, senator, clergy, politician, bureaucrat, agent, officer, soldier as well dictator, tyrant, brigand, intruder, rioter, looter, murderer, thief, rapist, abductor, abuser and more. 

      For a moment, there must be a bit of elaboration for further clarification. Do not unthinkingly confuse force with defense, for the latter is the natural resistance to the former, negating else mitigating harm to life and limb of oneself, others and obtainment of various sorts. Consider the following two examples. First consider Defense; prepared thus armed by Cautiously Deliberate Reason and Rightfully Natural Propensity is the Individual watching, guarding, protecting and preserving his/her person, people (family/friends), preference, persuasion, purpose, profession, possession, property, etc. Second consider Force; preconditioned thus predisposed by Gradually Perverted Covetousness and Incrementally Arrogant Presumption are the Government and Military (i.e. United States) mobilizing, stationing, intruding and occupying beyond domestic borders and coastlines. 

      It is naïve if not foolhardy to consider and contend some proper legislation or appropriate politician so to morally subjugate even totally eradicate human ills such as Covetousness and Presumption. Although, current social, political trends unsoundly, erroneously as well detrimentally propose otherwise in regards to injustice, inequality, various prejudices and biases, of course racism. 

      Simply and plainly, it is quite impossible to reduce and/or remove humanity’s propensities including obviously frailties and particularly depravities. However to reduce and/or remove the enablement and empowerment of these human tendencies as well ills among polities, it is strictly by rescission of political coercion, governmental force, therefore rescinding laws, policies, programs, regulations, restrictions, taxes, fees, fines, subsidies, loans, bans, sanctions, prohibitions, surveillances, secrecies, alliances, treaties, wars and more.


O the awe upon the ambulation, from twigs, sticks and stones
To fixtures of bricks, structures of steel by human reason alone
Vessels deep in sea and space per non-vassal’ed to instinct’s pace
In kind, the passionate logic on each face etched hence graced


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Copyright © 2020 by D.C. Quillan Stone

The constant precondition to any use of force...

COVETOUSNESS then PRESUMPTION are not merely possible prerequisites to coercive actions, rather the constant precondition to any use of force upon those dissenting whether by king, minister, president, senator, clergy, politician, bureaucrat, agent, officer, soldier as well dictator, tyrant, brigand, intruder, rioter, looter, murderer, thief, rapist, abductor, abuser and more.

Do not unthinkingly confuse force with defense, for the latter is the natural resistance to the former, negating else mitigating harm to life and limb of oneself, others and obtainment of various sorts. Consider the following two examples.

Firstly DEFENSE; prepared thus armed by Cautiously Deliberate Reason and Rightfully Natural Propensity is the American Citizenry watching, guarding, protecting and preserving person, people (family/friends), preference, persuasion, purpose, profession, possession, property, etc.

Secondly FORCE; preconditioned thus predisposed by Gradually Perverted Covetousness and Incrementally Arrogant Presumption are the US Government and Military mobilizing, stationing, intruding and occupying beyond domestic borders and coastlines.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).