Tuesday, August 18, 2020

My Life Matters!

MY LIFE MATTERS! Not because I say so, because we each innately say and ethically behave so since our specie first reasoned...

Regardless the popular collectivism misguidedly favored versus properly disfavored at a given moment, the universally respected and regarded "MY LIFE MATTERS!" is the passionately constant retort and logically consistent response by each and every INDIVIDUAL when confronting threat of theft, plunder, injury, rape, murder as well mob riot, police brutality, organized terror, government war or any other form of violence whether criminal, social or political. 

Both the protester in the street and the politician in the office will similarly retort and equally respond "MY LIFE MATTERS!" when his/her preferred form of social/political violence inevitably visits upon their own head as well visits upon their business, home, friends and family. Unless to briefly point out the hypocrisy then move on, no one could logically, ethically fault them or anyone else for the retort and response.

It is not selfishness but self-preservation therefore the ineradicable human propensity and inexorable human right to consent or dissent on literally all matters. To disrespect then disregard the propensity and right for others while excusing yourself is monstrously inhumane.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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