Saturday, August 1, 2020

The constant precondition to any use of force...

COVETOUSNESS then PRESUMPTION are not merely possible prerequisites to coercive actions, rather the constant precondition to any use of force upon those dissenting whether by king, minister, president, senator, clergy, politician, bureaucrat, agent, officer, soldier as well dictator, tyrant, brigand, intruder, rioter, looter, murderer, thief, rapist, abductor, abuser and more.

Do not unthinkingly confuse force with defense, for the latter is the natural resistance to the former, negating else mitigating harm to life and limb of oneself, others and obtainment of various sorts. Consider the following two examples.

Firstly DEFENSE; prepared thus armed by Cautiously Deliberate Reason and Rightfully Natural Propensity is the American Citizenry watching, guarding, protecting and preserving person, people (family/friends), preference, persuasion, purpose, profession, possession, property, etc.

Secondly FORCE; preconditioned thus predisposed by Gradually Perverted Covetousness and Incrementally Arrogant Presumption are the US Government and Military mobilizing, stationing, intruding and occupying beyond domestic borders and coastlines.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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