Monday, August 24, 2020

But lets be consistent shall we in our critique of inhumane violence...

"Donald Trump Invited McCloskeys to Speak at RNC Convention Because He's Readying His People for Violent Mutiny if the Results Don’t Go His Way" per MSNBC and others.

I am not a supporter of the Trump administration nor the Republican Party, but the violence thus far have been well encouraged by agencies like MSNBC, CNN, etc. as well the Democrat Party. In addition, defending one's home and property is hardly "violent mutiny", while looting and destroying businesses as well homes are acts quite violent even inhumane.

But lets be consistent shall we in our critique of inhumane violence...

Americans still do not give a damn for Mideastern businesses, homes, properties as well grandparents fathers, mothers, teenagers in school buses, children in classrooms, babies in parents' arms, shoppers at marketplaces, attendees at weddings thus shooting, bombing and drone'ing indiscriminately by the Bush, Obama and Trump administrations well supported by Democrats and Republicans alike.

And what about police brutality that have effected people of all colors? Lets consider as well government brutality, bureaucratic brutality, legislative brutality, military brutality that preceded. For it is Statism that empowers human ills such as racism and an array of other prejudices and biases.

My apologies.

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