Thursday, August 27, 2020

Why I do not support the Democrat Party nor Republican Party...

Why I do not support the Democrat Party nor Republican Party...

Both have supported and legislated their respective pleasures and measures of Corporatism, Socialism, Monetarism as well general Economic Fascism (top-down regulatory methodology towards total control of the economy, oppose to Economic Communism's bottom-up confiscatory methodology towards total control of the economy).

In addition...

Both have supported and legislated their respective pleasures and measures of Paternalism, Domestic/Foreign Interventionism therefore Police-Statism and Militarism/Imperialism.


Both have supported and legislated their respective pleasures and measures of Statism thus enabled and empowered Racism, Favoritism, Cronyism and various other self-serving Isms else Human Ills, and as of recent months, unrestrained and unapologetic Despotism.

RESCISSION is the only logical, ethical as well sustainable remedy, not further legislation, not more enforcement (force of any kind), not some perceived empathetic, moral or pious politician, nor prayer, meditation, community, unity, anthem to nation, allegiance to flag, or any other ritual and sentiment... but RESCISSION alone!

The Rescissionist aka D.C. Quillan Stone

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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