Sunday, May 24, 2020

To those holding to a history not revised, to a worldview not contrived...

I encourage you, no, I implore you to write not solely online but a book too, if not a book then keep journals or diaries, pen notes on binder paper, scrawl thoughts on cocktail napkins or anything else to record hard-copies of your studies, observations, experiences, opinions, ideas as well regarded ideologies, isms, etc. Do so for your children and grandchildren, those yet born in your family, descendants three, four or more generations away, even of your bloodline in the year 3020 and beyond (my primary audience).

It is imperative to privately, individually pass on within our families a history not revised, a worldview not contrived, than what will be purposely revised, presumptuously contrived then arrogantly propagandized as fact and knowledge in government education institutions whether regarding pandemics, climate changes, bubbles/busts, just wars, grand political/societal reorganizations and other such allegations and promulgations.

Appropriately, arguably supportive, the below paragraph taken from No. 92 The Academic Bomb of my last book...

"Plainly, while by government’s central bank the modern war is subsidized thus perpetuated; it is by government’s central (public) education the modern warrior is propagandized thus predisposed. Diabolically, by this sort of preemption of informed or free choice by purposeful lies, the individual is managed and manipulated in the very same unethical manner lies are instrumental amid dishonest, fraudulent activity whether for sex, theft, scam and more. Categorically, dishonesty as well secrecy for the sake of directing a person’s activities, activities otherwise avoided if fully disclosed, are at core a barbarous disrespect and malicious disregard for the Peculiar Human Ability to Reason, inseparably the Singular Human Right to Consent or Not Consent."

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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