Saturday, May 16, 2020

The email as well letter I sent to my Mississippi state senator and house representative...

I urge you to initiate and/or support legislation to greatly restrict gubernatorial powers, particularly to prevent another economic shutdown and other such orders or mandates of similar statewide detriments.

It is my opinion, the governor should only sign, veto and/or sponsor legislation, therefore NO orders NOR mandates allowed, ONLY to advise, warn even bully-pulpit about pending legislation, ongoing issues as well threatening emergencies.

To elaborate further, any politician whether mayor, governor or president, well or ill intended, cannot be trusted with such unchecked, unilateral powers. No fault of a particular politician, of course, for we are all equally human thus all equally burdened with commonly unavoidable propensities for error and excess. The last few months should have exposed therefore substantiated the human propensities as consequentially injurious flaws when so endowed with power as exemplified in this state, other states and Washington DC.

It is not a case to determine whether powers were executed excessively, abusively, corruptly or not. Rather, it is a case about executive powers legally available, executive powers legally executed, hence necessitating immediate rescission, making such gubernatorial prerogatives legally unavailable!

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