Saturday, May 16, 2020

Quote/Article by Prince Michael of Liechtenstein

I admire from this side of the Atlantic this outspoken prince more and more. US politicians should follow his lead by using their positions and privileges as bully pulpits in favor of a free economy thus individual liberty... My compliments, sir!

"It is a true tragedy that two of the essential markets, energy and finance, are so political now. They can be used to make easy money with little risk. When something goes wrong, as it often does, politicians and the media immediately call it a failure of the market. Real entrepreneurs are smeared while governments and their corporate cronies only tighten their hold on these two crucial economic areas. Key institutions in the financial sector, mostly the ones considered “too big to fail,” are closely allied with governments and are not entrepreneurial.At the same time,  tax burden and regulatory restrictions are ballooning, stripping businesses of opportunities and equity."

Prince Michael of Liechtenstein

See link for entire article...,3162,c.html

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