Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Conspiracy Theory; lets break it down...

Conspiracy Theory; lets break it down...

Conspiracy is the meeting, planning, "conspiring" by two or more, in secret of course, preventing full disclosure thus preempting others, soon to be effectuated unknowingly by the former, the opportunity to consent or dissent to the arrangement.

Theory is the outstanding proposition based on insufficient evidence for a substantiated conclusion.

Logically, a successful conspiracy can only be theorized by others at best, if known at all, until investigated, exposed, charged, tried and condemned per evidence, fact, truth, etc.

As long government successfully conspire thus the resulting lack of transparency, much of the suspected activities and motives remain as theories. Therefore, the term "conspiracy theory" is quite logical thus applicable for much of what government hides from the public. In addition, once government enters into any secret activity, the measure or amount of secret activities remain indeterminable as ironically immeasurable until government fully discloses all, hence function completely transparent.

In brief, in direct proportion transparency lacks, conspiracy exists.

Consequently, using conspiracy theory or theorist as a slander far more indicts the slanderer's ignorance of the term and topic at hand, than dismissing the one proposing.

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